well Jasmine still scared and freaked today. Got her a phermone - TopicsExpress


well Jasmine still scared and freaked today. Got her a phermone collar (calming collar) and just put it on. She did eat alittle earlier today. Such a trauma on all my cats (and dogs) since they do not realize what is going on. I have reached out to a dog trainer who is coming in the morning. The only thing I can think of is to regain control of my dog pack. Since Matt left the dynamic has changed and Duke feels like he is in charge. I am going to try all I can to make this terrible tragedy a postive learning experience. As horrible and devastated as I feel I pray that something good can come of Tias death. I have let my dogs be out of control for too long and I know this. Well it stops now. I have spent today working with each one- twice today. Walking them on a leash...heal, sit stay etc. Also picked up calming collars for them as well and dog houses since they are now outside dogs. I got a training collar but am not going to open it up and use it until I meet with the trainer and get his ideas. They are already trained on the invisible fence and this collar uses sound or static either way. I do not want to confuse them. He claims to use clicker training and positive reinforcement. I cannot change prey instinct. But I can get better control and I need them to view me as the pack leader. If things do not work out with Duke I will have to rehome him. One day at a time. I only cried a few times so far today. Thanks to Sandy for going shopping with me today and getting my mind off of things if only for a while. It will be a long long time before I can go an entire day without bawling my eyes out and sleeping without a sleeping pill. I just keep wishing I could turn back time and none of this would have happened.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:48:53 +0000

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