well after an extremely long day and a lot of time to think ... - TopicsExpress


well after an extremely long day and a lot of time to think ... Concluding In theory, that Sometimes Its our souls that know what is best for our physical beings, connections get lost somewhere between our brains, and our hearts. Causing ones entire energy to be thrown off. Like flipping two magnets the only reaction is to repel the other object in order to keep your own energy from being disrupted. I feel that the context clues in that particular moment I had seem to pass over, due to crossed connections and now realize that sometimes in order to save a life we must leave an everlasting impression of grace and compassion. Then that is it, Exit Stage left as beautifully as you entered. Dont get me wrong, lol I am not all sparkles and bubbles. I have an extremely fast overreaction time to even small bull shit and I take everything personal. There is a movie called 5 people you will meet in Heaven, I will be one of those people, you wait and see :D .. gone only for now or gone forever, it takes one flip of that energy and instead people will want to pull in your direction, live and let live!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 23:04:33 +0000

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