well all these years the beloved media has been touting your - TopicsExpress


well all these years the beloved media has been touting your praises on how well the dems put a thorn in the side of social security and they refused to raise the bennies for the care of those that paid for it. the dems have had a free ride about spending the funds they claim as paying for special pet ideas. you know payoffs to criminals. and now with all these demands not to pay social security ar all but still tax the people for it. doesnt that sound like fraud and a thing called blantant robbery. you do know Johnson went along with the machine because he asked kennedy for the right to take 37 billions away from social security so he can use it to pay his over due bills with it. you know payoff the rackets so hed have the money to run for president. guess that precluded he had to kill him to get permission to rob the 37 billion. for almost as soon as he became pres, the funds for medicare stated getting cut back. before that the medicos were being paid one time. they would not allow to much money to leave the states. now any damn illegal foreignor can come into our country earn money then return to their respective countries with a continual income till they die. yeah you dems sure stuck the knife in then turned it hard that all the young punks that dont really know what happened call the old folks parasites. you over did the job jockers. so shut up about the repebs your all bend it over creeps who believe is turn you back so we can stab it to you. ergo im a independent.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:04:39 +0000

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