well dev is gone off to start the first day of his new life,i am - TopicsExpress


well dev is gone off to start the first day of his new life,i am very proud of him indeed .its weird i just went to call him,then stopped myself remembering hes not here.i guess in a way its the first day of my new life too.the farm although never a quiet place is alot quieter without him.after my accident dev put his life on hold and stayed here two years longer than he should have to help me and look out for me ,and for a long while he worked along side me threw good times and bad ,he learned what hard work was, and this is something he will take with him where ever his life goes, not to mention some dam good stories he can tell his own kids, the past couple of days has seen some hard work for me and i have come to realize my limitations ,this is hard when you youve always considered your self to be superman. we are going to start to scale down,least until we move and sell off most of the remaining animals, dev i think i will miss the pigs almost as much as you. until dev gets setteld i am looking after his dog ,so i have gemma, jezzebelle ,gus ,sunny, and devs ceaser, so it really isnt that quiet.cant wait to sell off the farm now and start fresh ,on a lighter note my mom made a tuke for me and one for gus complete with ear holes he loves to where his hat like mine, guess it makes him feel more important than the other dogs its like hes whereing a supervisers hat. i have to go into the attic of the storage building ,i am now fitting a head lamp on gussys head so we can both see ,got new straw bedding and heat lights strung up for the animals ,just in time by the look of the frost out there.well theres animals to fed work to be done and no shortage of dogs to be walked and the sun is shineing, speaking of sunshine the bastard just lept up and bit me on the ear old sunny still got alot to learn , good day to you all ,and for those in charge at the north shore winter club that has left its workers to fend for themselves ,when you go home tonight to eat dinner and hug your kids remember these people like my freind cheryl have familys to feed and look after to ,christmas right around the corner take a good look at yourselves, i treat my animals better than you do those who work for you ,its hard enough to raise a family now without this sort of bullshit, shame on you
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 20:15:33 +0000

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