well done Australia Administration do oneself justice in the war - TopicsExpress


well done Australia Administration do oneself justice in the war Against Religious extremism ( war against terrorism ) within the scope of a certain international treat,( ISiS ) Mutual co-operation.I think in my opinion that is International Solidarity Movement (ISM)opposite extension of International participation for the war against terrorists, yes we can we must fight violence and terrorist with every means possible any way As A mater of fact in todays world after deterioration of the world Situation there is no choice on world enjoys Safety and stability,in So many word Extremism is the plague of this age why the Reason is that the absolutely of course the terrorists were planning to destroy the humanitarian but the international force Stopped them to an a nicety,but unfortunately Iraq and Still face a lot of problems Safety and Stability are longstanding problems which Should be eliminated yes indeed but in fact now we must pot end to the current conflict in the Region,however Actually I Dont know we can come to the conclusion that the moral ideas for the fronts terrorist all but emerge from the killing for exalted Multitude there is no difference between Muslim and Cristian,just the predominance and the predisposition with wide extent of flame near these Each One will get his kill,yes I think So,I Dont know who are they with? any think about I Dont think the world do dispose of the Criminal but If you want peace prepare for war on a large Scale because the first blow is half the battle in like manner prevention is better than cure to be Sure you to be okay any day New I know that the home defense that is point of honor and Sacred duty,because It is undeniable that the Australia Government Struggled against terrorism because it threatened the Social peace and Safety, Stability and hold back progress,believe that Australia prime Minister tony Abbott Make Great efforts for to work for the common Good any way the present Situation may be very difficult many file in the table,to deal in the cases with Morgana extraordinary,I know it never Rains but it pours anything about but Sure Abbott Administration worked with courage and satisfaction, determination, Sacrifice for the a Big Responsibility it augur well,I take my hat off to you,yes Honesty is the best policy,Diamond cuts Diamond at the Side of the national aspirations and aims,I wish you A good luck thats very kind of you Sir prime Minister .................................................................................
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:39:37 +0000

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