well i was doing some reading today about the Russia and UK - TopicsExpress


well i was doing some reading today about the Russia and UK ordeal. what i fail to realize is why this is any of Americas business. i could find no mention of how this directly affects us. we have millions of our own problems here. we are turning slowly into a police state behind the scenes but rather than the media even noticing what is going on in our own land we are all fixated on what Russia is doing in the UK. the scary thing is that this whole thing is nothing more than a giant power grab. anyone with an IQ over 2 should have noticed that when any country on the planet is in some sort of civil war that the united states deploys troops there. cmon its not rocket science. its reminiscent of the welfare and social security systems here. they want people to think and remember that if it wasnt for them that they would be in disarray. its a very bland power/control method. i mean who on earth would stand against a government that is supplying them with services and making people remember that before they came their lives were desolate. same with welfare. everyone wants welfare reform in theory but we will never have welfare reform. if we cut people off of welfare they what leverage does the government have to ensure that who they want will be placed back into office. for example, if person A wants to save a billion dollars by cutting welfare benefits and giving more rights back to home owners and people in general, however person B wants to suck away more rights BUT he promises to raise minimum wage and grant more welfare benefits. so naturally person B would have the vote of every minimum wage worker and every single person on welfare. which is probably around 60% so they toy with cutbacks knowing they still have the lions share. these people are toying with the world
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 10:35:15 +0000

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