well said Piers Morgan. Ebola has so far killed one person on - TopicsExpress


well said Piers Morgan. Ebola has so far killed one person on U.S. soil. Over 10,000 children a year are killed or wounded by guns on the same soil. Do the math, America – then for God’s sake, wake up from your school shooting stupor and do something to stop this insanity. The country’s become immune to gun violence, even as it slaughters its children at school. Let’s consider an unpalatable truth: If the Marysville-Pilchuck High School shooter, Jaylen Fryberg, had been a Muslim, his actions would have instantly been deemed a terror attack – and every front page in America would have been cleared to report the story. Yet his despicable actions WERE an act of terror. They were no less abominable than what happened in Ottawa. But because he used a gun in a school, America simply shrugged its shoulders and moved on.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:13:19 +0000

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