well....these are my last pics of top cat. there will be no more - TopicsExpress


well....these are my last pics of top cat. there will be no more tc stories. im as heavy hearted as i can remember. my son, jordan leaving for england 2 yrs ago and my best friend here, bill, who passed away last oct. and former owner of top cat...well....this ranks right up there with those losses. i had to make one of the toughest and most grievous choices that ive had to make in a very long time. im going to be honest, as always....my neighbors beneath me have complained to our apt. building manager that top cat is too loud when im not here. hes fine if im out during the day but anything longer and apparently, he goes crazy! he was quite attached to me.... as i was to him. unfortunately for me, these same neighbors never fail to call up management over every little thing. theyre famously known for being the unfriendliest people in the building.....lets see....i walk around too much in my apt....one time it sounded as if id dropped something to which i responded...i havent but what if i did? who doesnt! ....the broom hit my floor when my RED SOX won the world series last year...i forgot and jumped with excitement only once! of course, i immediately went down to their apt., explained and apologized. didnt make much of a difference. why they seem to have it out for me, i cant understand. ive been nothing but polite and helpful to them...carrying groceries into their apt. for them in 95 degree heat! always helping them and looking out for them but for whatever reason....i guess it doesnt mean much. and they never fail to bring up how much i walk around in my apt. or complain about tc when i see them. ive apologized more times than i can count. ive even changed how i walk.....i now have the soft movements of a ballerina! no joke! ive been as accommodating as possible. the manager has tried to shut them up for lack of a better word...explaining that the building is old....floors squeak and the like, and yet, the calls kept coming in. other residents have small dogs and cats but they dont live over top of cruella deville! anyway, i have a few trips to make in the next few weeks/months where ill be away from home from a few days to a week. my neighbor and bldg. manager asked if i could board tc. well, i did call several places...but.....im not warren buffet!!! i thought of everything....no one could take him for me....considered not going at all. ive been at my wits end for the last week...not a far trip for me! ok....here it comes....please dont judge because ive done all i knew to do...to try....with the resources that i had. i made the heart wrenching decision to put him up for adoption at a pet rescue here in williamsburg....top notch, im told. i explained my situation...that i cant afford for this to escalate.... maybe lose my temper with them and get thrown out.....just couldnt keep him anymore. had i had my own house, it certainly would have been different. if i was gone a few days and top cat missed me and howled some or ran all across the house at warp speed...well then, it wouldnt have mattered but here...it most certainly does! if i were in their position....knowing that top cat was bills cat originally....that bill wanted me to take him....that bill and i were best friends....that his death has been hard on me....that tc was the last part of bill that i had....that top cat was such great company for me...well.... im pretty sure i could set aside my minor temporary discomfort. when i first contacted the adoption/rescue facility, the lady on the phone was wonderful...i explained everything as i just have to you...she was great...supportive.....of course, i cried like a baby on the phone during our conversation. she knew i wasnt one of these people who just wanted to pawn their pet off on someone else. however, when i arrived at the place yesterday....the nice lady wasnt there. no...instead, i got amazon woman with an attitude. she was nice at certain times but made sure that before i left, i felt like total crap about myself. i cried some during the paperwork but tried to keep it together but before i walked out.....i said goodbye to top cat one more time. she wouldnt let me take him out of his carrier....said he was her property now. so i put my fingers through the carrier door and sobbed...told him i was sooo sorry and that i loved him. whew....and yesterday evening there was no top cat to run to the door when i came in from taking out the trash...there was no top cat to snuggle on the couch with me while i tried to watch some tv...couldnt concentrate on anything. and finally, there was no top cat to hop in bed with me, as soon as i turned off the living room tv, as he did every single night. this morning....no paws in my face to wake me up. and in typing this very long dissertation, theres no tc camped out in my lap while i post. we had the sweetest moments and our share of interesting times for certain, but for nothing would i trade one day. i love and miss you top cat.....nothing feels right without you....and btw, my eyes look horrible in these pics....didnt sleep at all the night before....only cried.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:17:15 +0000

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