well what can I say I can say alot n here it goes, my dad n my mom - TopicsExpress


well what can I say I can say alot n here it goes, my dad n my mom broke up when I was 6 and I remember it so well bec life as I knew it was never going to be the same, what stuck most in my mind bec my chita my abuela my grandma lived with us, and we left the big apt, so I wasnt going to see her like I did everyday, enough abt me, yes we do need a father in our lives , bec like you said he sets the standard for how a girl should be treated, he is the first man we fall in love with, and once he sets the standard , we wont tolerate crap from any man! when u dont have an active man playing a part in your life then you tend to keep looking for that love that he your dad should have given you and it can be a disaster, now am not saying my papi left and never looked back he came for us, took us out took us to see the other part of the family and it was good, but its never the same if he isnt under the same roof! so I feel your pain have lived it, but MY DEAR YOUR 23 AND IT SOUNDS AS IF YOU HAVE LIVED A LIFETIME OF PAIN, BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR KIDS, AND hopefully if they are girls there dads can be in their lives, if not you can try and teach them what not to let guys do and say to them bec they are after one thing, and one thing only, you appear to be a beautiful young woman and if you can express yourself like this minus the cursing your good baby, take care of you and your children or child, and do the best you can do dont know you but if I did it would be my pleasure g from the BX
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:10:46 +0000

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