well you all want to know the truth about how things have been - TopicsExpress


well you all want to know the truth about how things have been going ILL TELL YOU HOW ITS GOING.. since i moved to sun prairie i got real sick of everything when i was at the hamilton street house in portage my old roomate was realy of me cuz i was allowed to do a lot more than she was allowed to do during the day then after the first shift shift staff left it was just one staff at the house NOT TWO this was after there was only me and the other one one client moved out of town so it was just me and another roomate and at the time i still had 24 hour staff supervision and my roomate during the early evening was very relaxed and didnt want to do anything till later in the night and most of the time all she wanted to do was to go for a van ride go somewhere just to have a smoke BUT PLEASE DONT GET ME WRONG I STILL LIKE MY OLD ROOMATE AS A FRIEND its just that i am a very motivated guy and my old roomate wasnt motivated at all so i dealt with it then my old roomate started playing a game with this when ever i did something she didnt like she decided stay home for the entire night so late at night when the overnight shift staff came in at 11pm i was allowed to go out till bar time every night the certain staff worked and after that staff transferrwed out to circle bluff and started working his/her shifts out there i did not tell a certain staff i was goimng out cuz he/she wouldf have to follow protocal and call the cops but i left and went over to my moms for the night and waas up at 5 am and ready to go back home by 6 am an hour before the staff came in at 7 am but also i decided to start eloping because i was done playing my old roomates game after the first weel of playing it THATS WHY THE POLICE WERE CALLED MOST OF THE TIMES AND THE REST OF THE TIMES IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS MAYBE 10 TO 15 MINUTES LATE ANYONE WHO HAD DECENTCY would of been flexible with that ESPECIALLY KNOWING THAT I DONT HAVE A VEHICLE but everyone doesnt wasnt want me to have a vehicle so i had to rely on my dads truck which rem core in portage tried to put a restraining order on my mom which didnt go through I AM REFERRING TO WHEN I WAS STILL IN PORTAGE but then they decided to move me out of portage to sun prairie wi and ill be honest NOW OBVIOUSLY i have no job its been close to 3 consecutive months and i still have no luck fin ding a damn job heck my old boss from work at ihop in wi dells is being such a dick to me and said i quit on the last day of the pay period which was a complete lie i know i have 2 paychecks that i still have to pick up so i can pay my friend up i called the direct manager and that manager has been ignoring my calls idk if ghe is just really busy or what it is I JUST WANT TO GIVE UP ON GETTING MY CHECKS BUT MY FRIEND NEEDS HIS GAS MONEY THAT I OWE HIM DONT WORRY MY FRIEND IM TRYING ITS JUST TAKING A DAMN LONG TIME AND I KNOW TIME YOU DONT HAVE and people who have been in the family for 20 years think i have stolen money from my grams and i have been doing a lot of thinking about this i think thats why i moved out of portage SO THEY CAN KEEP ME AWAY FROM MY GRAMS she keeps asking-asking-asking-asking when are you coming to see me-when are you coming to see me-when are you coming to see me-when are you coming to see me-when are you coming to see me i talked to th home manager of my new house and he said my aunt diane doesnt want me in portage i talked to my aunt diane and she told me to set it up with the home manager and the home manager told me after i told him that he would talk to her i asked him a couple days later and he said the same thing that my aunt diane doesnt want me in portage im like what should i tell my grams this is heart breaking to me SHE RAISED ME TILL I WAS 12 YEARS OLD I DO NOT WANT TO STOP SEEING MY GRAMS im not trying to threaten anyone but im just about ready to run away to portage again i have been trying to stay on the straighten arrow but this all is not helping IM FED UP WITH WHERE IM AT PERIOD......................................................................
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:40:06 +0000

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