weloennig.de/Archaeopteryx1abc.pdf ABSTRACT (short version) The - TopicsExpress


weloennig.de/Archaeopteryx1abc.pdf ABSTRACT (short version) The assertion of evolutionists that birds stem from reptiles and that Archaeopteryx proves this is unfounded because: 1) the evolutionary method to assert that anatomical similarity proves evolution, which in turn is proved by anatomical similarity, is a paradigm of a circulus vitiosus. 2) Archaeopteryx already possesses most of the typical bird structures (e.g. feathers, the tarsus etc.). 3) evolutionists are not able to verify their hypotheses by experiments or comparable empirical facts. 4) structures which are called typically reptilian can to a large extent be found in recent birds (compare Nilssons critique) and the rest also in classes of other vertebrates, i. e. that the term reptilian structures already presumes the evolution from reptiles. 5) by method 1) evolutionists are able to derive Archaeopteryx from [at least] five different groups of reptiles (according to the ‘taste’ of the specialist and always with the same certainty). Question: how can one bird have so many different kinds of parents? 6) the term mosaic-evolution leads evolutionists into the greatest difficulties: tens of thousands of micro-mutations which totally transform six out of eighteen features while not touching the other twelve structures at all (during a time of 30 million years), only to transform later on in a much shorter period, are random micro-mutations working against random. 7) we have a better explanation which is orientated on experience (compare the arguments concerning bionics pp. 45 - 47): experience as a measuring unit proves that for the formation of such enormously complex and integrated structures as found in living organisms, consciousness, intelligence and genius are absolutely necessary. ABSTRACT (long version written ca. 1976, corrected; for the ensuing development of the topic Archaeopteryx up to 2010 see the links below): Since in almost every biology high school textbook with a chapter on evolution or wherever this topic is discussed, this fossil bird of about the size of a magpie is mentioned as an outstanding proof for evolution, it will be interesting for all those seeking the truth to take note of the facts cited below which cast serious doubts on the evolutionary claims. After quoting the widely spread evolutionary interpretation, we will list eight scientific reasons for rejecting this view. This is what an evolutionist in a leading German encyclopaedia has to say on
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 12:22:23 +0000

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