welp... its wennys day night into thirsty morning... sorry to be - TopicsExpress


welp... its wennys day night into thirsty morning... sorry to be so many days wif out woofin acha... been laying up a while. not much walking around. one minute, i tinkz iz doing fine and den, next minute my legs are doing a split eagle. omd!!awful and sometimes painfull!! since i am all done wif my N JET SHUNz im wondering what to do now. mommy habs been purdy busy looking fur paperwork dat used to be in her room. but since all da stuffz is thrown around upstairs from when da tree fellD, well, she habs no clue where a lot ob her stuffz is now. so SHE habs been diggin. and tonight....SHE FOUND DA PAPERS. been looking all oberz for 13 days now. and finally! whew!! im sure glad. butt... i was habinz some fun juss laying here watching herz look so frantic trying t ofigure outwhere herz stuffz was. sure was fun for me mommy! banks bunhes! :D it turned really super code here and ebenz worse wif da strong winds so i habs not been anywher ebut my back yard and DAT was not for long! WOOF!. mommy was at speshull kind of dentist today to do some speshull kind of work on herz!! so we habs been resting togeber since she gotz home. we will try to do a pupdate laterz but for now.... we is going ni nite! banks bunches fur all da shows ob lubs n cares lately. it has been a HUGE tingz fur me and mommy bof. sure is uplifitng. i pray each ob yous are doing super grrrrrrrrrrrrrr8!! ni nite fur now...... sending LUBS from de TREV!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:22:37 +0000

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