what a day..as Katy loves to say I was totally trying not to freak - TopicsExpress


what a day..as Katy loves to say I was totally trying not to freak out......I got Katy up a little after six this morning and got her ready for school. As I prayed with her I felt the need to pray for our safety, moms daves she was fying in from Ark and I had to pick her up at the airport .after I got Katy from school. I felt the need to pray for daves safety also. I rarely worry about such things.. I figure the Lord has enough on his plate.. I heard thunder as I was getting ready to leave the house to go pickup Katy.. I had been listening to the news nothing on about any storms I figured it was just a pop up shower... But I grabbed the umbrella just in case. I get to the school it was starting to sprinkle, not allot. but I thought ok take the umbrella just in case. by the time I made it to the school it about blew out of my hands. the clouds where low and starting to turn in a circular motion... I thought this is not good...than I thought mid aug how odd the storm moving north to south totally odd. I had heard on the radio golf ball size hail in rockwood... which is west of us.. they let us in the school early do to the weather. no warnings no nothing about storms. bang the trees start bending over by the wind it starts hailing pea sized at first then dime sized and up to golf ball sized. it was so bad the hail covered the ground.. you could only see white...cars out in line to pick up kids rocking back and forth . bang phones started going off tornado warning. the power went out .and than the school was in lock down and kids moved to the bathrooms and inside walls with their ahdn over their heads and kneeled down. a few people came into the school. one lady said her huge four by four was rocking in the wind and her husband told her to get into the school... on her phone you could see we where slap in the middle of two storms with tornado activity... Katy girl is in another bathroom some of the kids where take downstairs in the basement. you could hear the kindergarders frecking out some and crying... when the lights went out and the wind lightiening hail hitting the windows.. it freaked me out and I love thunderstorms... anyway the school waited thirty minutes tell it calmed down outside tell we could leave.it was still cloudy but looked way better..I got katy and she was ok...she told me she got scared..some. we walked outside and it looked like a war zone leaves branchs you name it down... the power was still out... the traffic was so bad six cop cars within three blocks.. mercy . then the fun part, I am freaking out thinking my mom was flying through this in the air she was coming from Atlanta north to where the storm was moving to Knoxville... oh my word I got scared but did not say anything Katy said is Grandma ok I said yes about choking on the words. trying my best to stay positive..and not show how scared I was...anything flying in those storms would crash I had not dought about that. I was stuck behind a cop car. buses where pulling up to the school it was 3:35. people did not have a clue what had gone on... you could tell stuck in a line..someone told me a tornado had touched down and . the road across 11 oh my word I could not cross it people where honking behind me but I did nto care the cop in front of me finally turned back around got out and he and another officer directed traffic for HYW 11 so we could get across .. mercy I was running 40 minutes late to get mom but I was taking my time. it was still storming some and more storms clouds around. I was on davis fairy road and bang this crazy person in a full size truck comes racing around a curve.. in my lane, if I had been a second earlier I would have been dead. along with Katy it was that close.... we get to the airport and moms flight was delayed I signed a sign of relief...from 4:19 to 9:15 mercy, found out she had be stuck in the plane for two hours they unloaded and got back on was stuck again and hour. than they had to fly around to north Carolina to and came at Knoxville from the north... katy girl did real well when she got to bored we would go to the car for a while and also we ate a very over priced sandwich and some trail mix.. bless her heart. I got home about 40 minutes ago after dropping Mom at her house. as I drove past Philadelphia half the houses had no power on...no school tomorrow... maybe time to get a cell phone dave got caught in the storm on his bike and he stopped before it hit hard so he was ok...dave by the time mom landed called and he was freaking out he had heard about Philadelphia and did not have a clue what was going on..bless his heart... to the end I just want to say to Heavenly Father In the name of Jesus Christ thank thee for watching over us today. mom will be 80 this year but I love her so much and I do not want to lose her and every thing turned out out ok. did not have a clue what was in store for me today :P all is well..
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:49:43 +0000

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