what does God do to His enemies according to Jesus in Matt. 5 and - TopicsExpress


what does God do to His enemies according to Jesus in Matt. 5 and Luke 6, and does He do these things to His elect or reprobate enemies, or both? First, God sends sunshine and rain upon all men indiscriminately (“he maketh His sun to shine upon the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust,” v. 45). The evil and the good, the just and the unjust, covers all classes of men, converted and unconverted, believing and unbelieving, elect and reprobate. We see that around us: God causes the sun to shine and rain to fall upon the field of both godly and ungodly farmers. Often He sends so much rain and sunshine on the ungodly that their fields produce a bumper harvest, they have tables laden with good food, bank accounts stuffed with money and good health to enjoy these things which come from God’s hand. But does an abundance of good things (“rain and sunshine”) mean that God is blessing the ungodly in those things, that those things are evidence of God’s favor? That’s the issue with common grace. taken from a post from - Pilgrims Tale, Rev. Martyn McGeown limerickreformed/sermons/all-sermons/sermon/10173-love-your-enemies
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 04:41:02 +0000

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