what does Vaisakhi mean to you? to me Vaisakhi has two aspects - TopicsExpress


what does Vaisakhi mean to you? to me Vaisakhi has two aspects to it firstly and most importantly to me Vaisakhi is about Vaisakhi of 1699 when my father Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji stood in Siri Anandpur Sahib and asked for five heads in order to form the Khalsa the army of the pure. this is definitely to be celebrated but how? in my humble opinion by following Guru jis path reading Gurbaani going Gurudwara taking part in active sewa the other aspect of Vaisakhi is a cultural one Vaisakhi in Punjab is when the crops have been harvested taken to market and sold the hard work of the farmers and their farm labourers has paid off and riches are in abundance everyone is happy at least thats how it used to be. Punjab the land of five rivers has long been considered the bread basket of India , the wealthiest state due to the hard work ethic of its people who are mainly Sikh. this has been a thorn in the side of central India government as well as anti Sikh elements the Tribune an Indian newspaper in 2012 reported that in the previous decade at least 5000 Punjabi farmers had committed suicide driven to do so by spiraling debts large loans from often non Sikh money lenders needed in order to farm their lands having to bore deeper and deeper every year for water even though we had five rivers! during partition 1947 we lost three rivers to Pakistan the two remaining rivers are having water siphoned to be used as drinking water for Delhi even though Delhi has its own river! the Punjabi farmers are taking their crops to market and finding because central government have fixed prices for crops very low the farmers are left in negative equity and further debt in recent years empty sacks have sold for more money than sacks full of potatoes so low is the value of our crops is this type if Vaisakhi any cause for celebration? i think not. you can celebrate Vaisakhi how you like but what i would say to you is consider doing something charitable donate to khalsaaid.org or Nishkam help or midland Langar sewa society visit Khalsa aid stall today at Sriguru HarGobind Tividalegurdwara Sahib
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 09:06:42 +0000

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