what if Sirius wasnt in Azkaban what if Sirius told Harry he was a - TopicsExpress


what if Sirius wasnt in Azkaban what if Sirius told Harry he was a wizard. Heres a short hc by MarauderLover7: “Die-where?” “Diagon Alley,” Padfoot laughed. “It’s where Gringotts is.” “Gringotts?” “The bank. Just wait up a moment.” Padfoot stopped and pulled his stick out of his pocket. He started talking to himself in another language – one that sounded made up in Harry’s opinion – and then tapped his arm. “How did you do that?!” Harry asked, astonished. Padfoot was now blonde with blue eyes and a rounder face than he had had before. “Hold still,” Padfoot said, tapping Harry’s head. “What do I look like?” Harry asked excitedly. Padfoot waved his stick again and a mirror appeared. Harry took it, surveying his new face. His hair was as messy as ever, but it was a light brown colour and his eyes were blue instead of green. “How did you do that?” Harry asked again. “Magic,” Padfoot said, twirling his stick. “Magic’s not real,” Harry said automatically. But how else could he have done all those things? a little voice in his head argued. “Why not?” Padfoot asked reasonably. “Just... because,” Harry finished lamely. “It’s real,” Padfoot promised. Harry watched him, not quite convinced. “Can you show me more?” Padfoot thought for a moment, had a quick look around and then waved his stick. “Wingardium Leviosa.” Harry felt the ground vanish beneath his feet. He looked down and noticed, with a quiet shout of surprise, that he was floating. He was well above Padfoot’s head and when he kicked his feet all they touched was air. “Believe me yet?” Padfoot asked, grinning. Harry nodded, not sure he trusted himself to speak, and felt himself slowly being lowered to the ground. “Good, because I might have had to leave you there otherwise.”
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:27:14 +0000

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