what is one of the single most dependent resource of the people of - TopicsExpress


what is one of the single most dependent resource of the people of Earth… it is Energy… in all its forms, humanity consumes energy… but where does energy come from? if you go back in the track of the processes which create energy, one would come the the conclusion, that it was the energy of the Sun… by virtue of the suns power or energy, the Weather is caused. water in all its forms runs about the earth and makes up so much of its surface, that the prospect of using it for energy is a Vast enterprise of which the best minds of science have only begun to touch upon… water flows down hill, thanks to gravity (which is not fully understood in any case) the effect is this… Water drives Erosion of the land, waterfalls and rivers dot the landscape. large constructions have been made to tap into this energy source, using the power of the water to push and turn water wheels and turbines… but this has a double edged effect… as much as the damns built around the planet survive people will be in danger from the failure of such constructions… however, if it was possible to use the passive flow of water to advantage, not by using damns to block the water, but by using the natural flow of river systems in general to power a series of large wheels to run many generators, to be sent to local areas. not only is it not necessary to use such massive constructions, but if you use Many small units and systems with an extremely efficient method of transferring that energy to the end user, you could cut down on the potential problems made by aging and dangerous damns, without causing unnecessary problems to the wildlife which inhabits most waterways… in so much as the Use of energy is concerned, the proper use of dwellings of very efficient nature, in the use of its energy. a Monolithic Dome, is the best dwelling i have seen for this purpose… it is a fact that it takes up to if not more than (if you are Very careful or dont mind certain extremes) 75% less energy than a conventional timber frame flat walled house with even the best (if expensive) conventional insulation available… the Use of energy is a question of What is possible to produce, transport, and Use… if, as Tesla was working on, there was a way to wirelessly transport energy in the form of electricity, using Water to power such devices, and a coil to induce a charge in the Earths surface or via the Atmosphere, then this would enable any one anywhere to tap into such a source of energy for constant power without the need for expensive and vulnerable (even if buried) electrical wires, which would allow large swathes of forrest to be preserved as the maintenance of transmit ion line paths or Roads would no longer be necessary… the problem with what Tesla was working on, is that it was way before its time, and those with vested interest in the Taxation or selling of energy at adjusted prices, by those who literally owned the systems, saw in his device the end of their monetary empire, because once a device to Receive the energy was distributed, the cost of replacing certain parts of the device was negligible and the parts at the time readily available… the problem of the use of energy in the current times (2014-etc) is that there is a somewhat dwindling supply of Fuel resources, which drive all the industries currently in existence… in order to Continue producing, other forms of Energy has to be found and utilized. even if it is simply using More of what is already available, in smaller but vastly more efficient ways… Water as a source of mechanical Force to push a waterwheel or turbine, should be coupled with a zero-cogging Low RPM generator capable of multiple generations of various Voltages simultaneously, would nearly revolutionize the generation of energy immensely… consider, a very high Torque waterwheel capable of running generators with very little resistance in nearly Any location in which water can be tapped into as an energy source on a small local scale… a large enough generator would make so much energy that the energy could easily be transformed to a steady Usable form, to run many of our very sensitive electronics, using simple computer controlled electrical regulators, and a way to store or siphon of any excess charge to other devices as needed to run other systems of generating power… consider this… you have two to three reservoirs, with enough volume to last enough time at a certain Release volume and rate to run a series of waterwheels, one for sending energy to the house or dwelling, a second to run an efficient water pump to send the water Back up (according obviously to its rate of pumping and the energy it needed to run which could be supplemented by solar and battery if necessary) to the higher reservoir, to be sent back down through the system to begin its journey back through the wheels… this systems of course may not obviously be self running, as it may need some regulation… of which would obviously be of computerized control, based upon rate of flow, energy Needed or called for, evaporation from the tanks which could be easily replenished by a Well, itself running on both Battery and solar power… such a system would of course be very unlikely to be a self running device… but with enough secondary systems supplying and taking up the slack or any resistance losses to any part of the system, it could theoretically be nearly self running… couple this with the energy efficiency of the Dome, and the prospect of a Viable system is easily in view of an inspired and somewhat well funded entrepreneur, and of course one who desired such a system as perhaps a Study of Multi-system coordination, to produce energy in abundance… the Vehicles which we know of rely upon some form of Fuel… even if they are Electric… because an electric vehicle currently requires a Very long charging period once the battery life is exhausted. i propose the research into energy Amplification along the lines of Teslas Work using first vacuum tubes, and then moderns capacitors and One Way Gate electronics… or a device which would allow only energy to Enter, the system bot not to Exit, until it had performed the Work of which is required of the device… if only simply to Extend the life of Batteries, to higher points of efficiency, would any such system be necessary… even if the need for Charging the vehicle continues to haunt us for a few more decades… there is the obvious disadvantage of the petroleum field vehicle in that not only is the cost rising (the reasons of which i wont go into as they are all subjective observations and suppositions of people who do not have all the facts, if any existed with all the facts in the first place) not only that, but they do cause some amount of pollution, which in recent times has been Dramatically reduced to a point where the issue in question is no longer of extreme importance, and yet still remains an issue none the less… despite our technology things dont always go the way we plan them to, and of course the natural forces of the planet due to its Geologically unstable nature, means that when we think of Energy in terms of Force of work upon Something from some other source, we think about Electricity almost immediately… and yet due to the energy of the Sun, the Weather causes disasters in human communities almost weekly, if not daily… the advantage of a stronger Shelter, in the form of a home is, Increased chance to Survive many of the disasters of natural events which effect us, in our fragile biological State of being… this includes Man-Made disasters, of the sort or category which involves industrial accidents, negligence of certain Key facilities, and the changing funding of infrastructure, usually Less for some odd reason, and no thanks to constant conflict which has Hindered our continued development greatly… to continue form the last block of writing above, one of the single most potentially disastrous man-made events, is the loss of control of Nuclear power… granted, it Is a highly dense form of energy. but the problem stems from having radioactive Waste materials which will still be toxic perhaps Millions of years from now… as well as accidents in which a nuclear plant melts down and releases vast quantities of radiation into local or even Global scale communities… not only this, but the current state of Nuclear energy is one of the most controversial topics of the industry… the fact being, that the form of reactor was originally intended only for submarines, such that any accident would be Confined and instantly controlled by the ocean which the vessel would already Be… this is why almost if not All nuke stations are based close to a body of water… but as we saw with the 2011 Tohoku Japan Quake, this is also a Very key disadvantage of such devices, despite their seemingly inexhaustible level or Power… and of course, the Top generator of Energy is that of Coal… it has in its time been cleaned up due to increasing regulation of exhaust, thanks to the Scrubbers which reside in the chimneys of such plants… that one Single innovation has tuned a notoriously smog filled city, into one of which is quite possibly the Cleanest cities in the United States of America… this all despite its incredible and continuing rate of Industrial activities… of course… almost all of the sources defined by me here are Finite resources, to some extent though not of much immediate worry, is that of Solar energy… a Finite resource either means it will be completely exhausted, or will become so expensive to produce and or Mine that it is not economically feasible to those with vested interest in it… Water power is perhaps our best bet for now, thanks to its also being of high energy density, due to the actual density of the water in question… it can exert a certain force upon a device dependent upon the rate of flow and the Slope in which the water encounters… this means its Potential energy is generally quite high, in certain locations, both natural and artificial… the only problem afforded by Water power… is that of Erosion, and the changing climate… eventually so much water will be locked up in ice sheets that the only potentially Viable water energy source would be the currents and the tides… or some rivers if they are of sufficient useful qualities… not only does erosion and climate mean that some locations will become unfavorable to the production of power of any long standing civilization, but that social unrest can continue to Hinder such development where it matters, and cause a Loss of potential energy gained by such systems in the future… but by then i would hope some one would have rediscovered the principals which Tesla found and used in some of his most brilliant devices (which typical of primitive civilizations was called Witch-craft, ironically) and that such devices would further the pursuit of Peace between the many nations of the planet… Mutual understanding can only be achieved when the vested interests of those in Power meet the Needs of those they Serve… and that some day this world will be considered Truly worthy of advancement into ever greater ages, and Humanitarian states of mind… not only is the Energy of the world necessary for our continued existence, but i think a revolution in the ideas of the Soul being the source of Life… seeing as Science continues to either deny or is unable to Prove or Disprove the existence of Souls, or their importance in the animation of Life forms, but that as Souls we owe it to each other to treat each other with the respect we would all like to have from each other… this i think will increase our own energy and bring us to higher States of Life and living… to understand that in our biological states we are Part of this entire connected system, but that as a civilization we Must preserve ourselves as well as the environment, by causing what we do to Last longer, hence the preservation of our natural resources is not hindered by the drive to advance as quickly as possible without regard to our Own part in this world or the other myriad of Life Forms which share this Planet, and perhaps this Universe… this is all… for the moment...
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:26:16 +0000

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