what measures to control the polution of pollution? (4answer) - TopicsExpress


what measures to control the polution of pollution? (4answer) The measures to control the problem pollution:- owing to the unscientific and rackless of main ion nature his own existence is being threatened today. So it will takes long time that we should precautions to control pollution we should make are afforts to make and environment clean and safe the vehicle and industries should to present deforestations and encourage afforestation tree should be planted on all vacont lands. As the human pollution is incomingt increasing very fast the demand. For energy also increase. So we have to find new ways to producing energy Biogas is very good source of energy. It helps to present pollutions then certainly it will. Import great effect for this all of us we have to Take certain steps. Ways to control air pollution:- -we should plants more trees this helps in purifying air –we should check the realease of smoke from vehicles and factories. -waste should not be burnt. -we should use the device than can fields the pollution\ -industries must be away from the city -we should educate people about the harmfull effects of pollution and its controlling methos. WAYS TO CONTROL WATER POLLUTION:- -we should not throw garbage and poisonous substance in the water bodies -industerial waste and domestic sewage should be treated well before it is discharged in to virus. -wasing clothes and bathing animals in rises should be checked. -natural infecteds such as biogas should be used since it close not harm the environments -we should reduce the use of plastics. -natural fertilizers should be preferred over chemical fertilizer. -within million tone of reblish being dumped into the sea marine life is greatly harmed. WAYS TO CONTROL SOIL POLLUTION:- -separate the waste into bio-degradable and non-biodegracable matters. -bio-degradable waste should be used to make comport.l -factory waste should be reproduced before. There are released in ow lying area -ezcess use of perticites and chemical fertilizers shold be avoided -land fills should have proper boundries around them to avoid spread soil pollution. Non-biodeegradable matter should be recycled -to prevent soil erosion more tree should be planted WAYS TO CONTROL NOISE POLLUTION:- -noise pollution causes deafence high blood pressure and resultant in human beings and animals -by using of land speaker particularly in the residential areas,neal,hospitals etc., -machinery should be desigened in such a way that they make by noises -proper step should be taken to control noise pollution in factories -blowing of horns /somel should be strickly probhibited with “No horn zone” area -using cotton pluge at airports. Airport must be away from cities.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 03:37:34 +0000

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