what people do is "not listen all people to protect own believes - TopicsExpress


what people do is "not listen all people to protect own believes only" so people self not have understanding enough what needed so people are in parallel reality what program do to people as people self buy with own believes own reality from others without care who was make suggestion. if you have not seen in your own mind or in real world is not matter what are "accurate input current measurement verses an output one" what you think with logic thinking. "skeptic" is good but if not doubt all in own life there still is lies. how to avoid to hurt self with wrong information and with lack understanding and with fear is to focus to own life 100% and not interested but if is interested other subjects but not own life right now right here is needed to know self have full responsibility to understand. is "open mind" to be interest only "limited subjects" as life have all subjects. still if is only protect self from others is not enough while may information based technique to avoid subject what may not like but there is all subjects same in truth from what can make own mind but when make own mind is direction to what start to walk with own legs. from to believe people just wait or fate or hope but is not action with own best understanding. all people understanding is different but people assume all are in same line as program try to suggest worst case scenario what people so easy start to support as not know better from own believes. i was tell to not to be something to what to believe as i was just tell. is people own responsibility to listen but is people own idea to be ON and OFF as to believe or not as people not understand information is just information as to people information is to believe while newer was needed to be. people self not think self exist while was exist all ready from born so people like to think others exist before self exist to avoid self as far as can with all reasons. if no challenge self but others have not figure out life but only easy style to avoid life. there is NEUTRAL state between on and off state what is most difficult to people to figure out as are part program with own support. if people self hate wrong things people self should start to decrypt program out from own life as good as can with common sense to make own best from what not need blame others as result is what self do and not how self do. but as far people focus to how self do and not to what self do people are lost with what do. others exist outside self and self exist with others but there is place what physical dimension where all are what is good to start to understand better to save own ass as everybody have energy to start to do work with self by self. people try to buy time while time not exist but place exist. is only matter what happen in place as what can happen in place is up to have energy or not so focus to have energy without exercise others as good as can. not try to buy time as time not exist in end as only place and what happen in place exist in end but question is are you ready what only you self can know as only you self can prepare self to be ready as only you self can figure out what others not like to know.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 15:28:42 +0000

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