what was the point of fighting the second world war? we fought - TopicsExpress


what was the point of fighting the second world war? we fought against what we were told was fascism, tyranny and control by authoritarian leaders who believed in an elite master race, to defend our freedom and the right to choose our own lives. it is now 2014, 75 years since the beginning of WW2 and we pretty much have a country where: - there are secret courts where no reporting is allowed and the names of the defendants are not released for national security reasons. - the poor, sick and disabled are marginalised, ghettoised, even persecuted by the state, such that around 12,000 of them have already been killed off by what can only be described as cruel, compassionless and vindictive policies. - police ignore human rights and carry out false arrests and detentions to those opposing the current set-up of corporately-controlled, unaccountable government, or anyone that gets in the way of their criminal activities. peaceful protectors become political prisoners. - the right to strike, the greatest weapon any human being can use against the rulers, has virtually been outlawed, though the right to reasonable peaceful protest, despite the coalition governments attempts to remove it with the anti-social behaviour, policing and crime bill earlier this year, is still just about upheld by the courts (though not by the police or the media, thus negating peoples rights anyway.) - a secret network in every town and city across the country made up of politicians, bankers, councillors, judges, police, educators and so on, that controls everything - if you are blessed by them then you can commit the most terrible crimes and get away with it. there is no justice for all. - governments ignore the will of the vast majority of people and go to war, allow fracking, poison the air, and continue to support fraudulent money systems that enslave their own people. - everything you do is watched, monitored, recorded for potential future use. your every move is tracked, from where you go to what kind of soup you prefer. your mobile phone is a personal tracking & monitoring device. oh, and theres very likely one in your car too. now heres the rub: if you don;t like this and would like to fight for freedom and you really annoy the government, they can send armed police to your house in the middle of the night, detain you for 7 days without charge, fabricate a whole bunch of evidence to enable a charge and conviction, try you in a secret court, find you guilty and sentence you to life imprisonment in a floating prison where you will never be seen again. so tell me again, why are we such great chaps for winning the second world war and defeating totalitarianism yet have allowed exactly the same tyranny to gradually dominate our countrys major institutions without barely a whimper? where the hell is the freedom that our grand- and great-grandparents fought and died for? the question is, what would you have done if the nazis had invaded? been as disobedient and non-compliant and as big a pain in the arse to them as you could, right? ;-) peace & love & freedom xxx
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:40:31 +0000

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