whats on my mind??? some telling of REAL truth! fell asleep early - TopicsExpress


whats on my mind??? some telling of REAL truth! fell asleep early so i awoke early....i mean, early! turned on the tv and of course, it was on the station i had been watching, before i drifted off into la la land....PBS...just the best, btw! i have to get my fix of BBC tv! anyhoo....this morning, however, the running program was a documentary on buddha. ive somewhat familiarized myself with all religions, in order to better understand why others believe what they do and ultimately to share my christian faith and what i own as truth. most of the time, im quite respectful when i speak with others, who believe differently than i do and then sometimes....well....a boldness rises up inside of me and i come across as someone who will listen to nothing other than what SHE sees as truth....so ive been told... lol. having said that...i dont want to appear intolerant but i also KNOW that what i believe, as a christian, is the ONLY spiritual truth.. so let the feathers fly, i guess! ok...buddha...MY synopsis ... he was born a MAN, in nepal, many eons ago, pun intended.....the founder of buddhism, which means enlightenment....he discovered this enlightenment at age 35, while spending time alone under a tree....said he reached the highest level of god-consciousness, where space and time are limitless. most of his years were spent teaching in eastern india...basically, the bottom line of his contribution, was meditation...tranquility....looking inward...happiness comes from within...everything to do with the mind. ironic....i think not, for we know the enemy attacks the mind and appears as an angel of light. and if you look at some of his teachings, they are oddly similar to the ten commandments...the teachings of Jesus...as are the basis for many religions. and just a little added note here.... i look at false teachers and false prophets, who steal sacred scripture and twist and turn it for their own benefit and glory, as the ultimate plagiarists! i mean is that true or what?! i can understand buddha, in that he was obviously a deep thinker...i sooo get that about him...to find meaning in life...i get that too. if only he, in his seemingly abundant wisdom, had figured out ...God created us all with a void that only Jesus can fill....HE is the meaning of this life and the next! now, lets get to buddhas last words...quite interesting. when he knew he was close to death, he walked outside, laid down in some field, somewhere....had his closest followers with him.... he uttered these words, work hard to gain your own salvation. he also told them that he was not the light...that they needed to become their own light. then he died a mere MAN just as he had been born. i see his statement that he wasnt the light as being more profound than he realized....the truest words he ever spoke. as christians, we KNOW that JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! He died for us...for our sins...He took our place...for our opportunity to live beyond the grave....to conquer death, as He did. He died yes...but He then rose again!!! we serve a living God...everything points to LIFE! we dont have to work out our own salvation either. Jesus already paid the price...once and for all. the Bible clearly states... for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. ephesians 2:8-9. while we can be thankful, that at least, the buddhist religion is one of peace, no matter how you slice it... its still dead in the water. i dont know about you...but i want to serve and LIVE for a LIVING God! i mean, to me...that only makes the best of sense! stop and let that sink in for a moment....ok...im done for now! lol
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:04:15 +0000

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