when i think about the vastness of our world and the limitlessness - TopicsExpress


when i think about the vastness of our world and the limitlessness of it, im reminded that nothing is impossible and my dreams arent so far off. im reminded that treasures are still out there, waiting to be discovered, that kind and beautiful people are waiting to be befriended, endless and unknown roads are waiting to be tread upon, adventures are still waiting to be had, dragons are waiting to be slayed, and the most beautiful of stories are waiting to be written and told and read. but above all else, im reminded that the God who spoke life into existence, who formed me and created everything i see and know in this thing we call life, im reminded that He is the greatest Storywriter, Playwright, Artist, Romantic, Adventurist, Warrior, Lord, Friend, and Father. none of His Stories are let-downs. none end up crumpled up and tossed into the waste-bin. and far from forgetting or overlooking me, i am more certain than ever that there is something extraordinary up ahead on this trail He has set me to walk upon. so i walk step by step, anchored only to hope and my heart grasping at the whisper of a Promise spoken to me long ago. i walk step by step, not knowing exactly where i am being led, why it has to be this particular (oft frustrating and unenjoyable) trail, or when and how i will arrive. but every so often, i glance up from the rocks and dirt beneath my feet and see in more focus than before a Figure awaiting my arrival. i see the details of His face becoming clearer and the love in His eyes beckoning me forward, as if He were saying, dont give up now. youre almost here. come faster! and when fear and futility begin to catch up to me and tempt me to slow down, it is this Face i remember. it is His heart i have learned to understand, His voice i have come to recognize on this journey, that empowers me to shake off every weight that clings and walk with greater surety and confidence that it is indeed not all in vain. there is indeed something extraordinary awaiting those courageous saints who persevere in steadfastness. who have learned not only to mount up on wings of eagles or cry out in desperation in the valleys but who tread unwaveringly day by day, week by week, year by year. who have learned to grow in love and serve in constancy, monotony, obscurity and not only in those impassioned and sporadic moments of fervor and zeal. who have acquired a quiet and calm demeanor yet have not lost the fire burning intensely inside their hearts. it is to this Love above all other loves, this Hope above all other hopes, that we adventurists and sojourners walk on. because nine tenths of a storys greatness depends on how it ends. and ive set my heart to end well and much in Love.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 02:56:20 +0000

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