when it comes to starting up an innovative NEW business or a - TopicsExpress


when it comes to starting up an innovative NEW business or a project. working with younger people is always superior to working with older ones. sure the older ones might know better. but thats the thing that usually says they dont want to try out new things. ive had an encounter with an (assuming) established businessman that works in the entertainment industry for probably twice my lifetime. but has no idea that youtube is a million dollar empire (especially if you convert it into peso x42) that the videos there actually make money. and the idea that these people make a livelihood with that ignorance simply baffles me. younger people always have the drive to do something, make mistakes pick themselves up carry on and try again. younger people know the trend and inevitably they are the majority of consumers. id look to listen to their ideas. coz whatever the self help books said. the reality is. it was never how hardworking these people were that really got them rich it was motivation and an opportunity they took on that no one did. (and honestly if the self help business books really worked that much alot more people would have been rich by now) its more work than it is enjoyable coz its always the whats in it for me thats a concern. older people stopped dreaming and became more practical but with dreams comes passion and innovation and with it comes motivation. and this is why i am more inclined to work with the yonger generation. apple, fb, yahoo, google, are popular names. i bet you that shit aint just about working hard. it was innovative. being innovative doesnt strictly mean that you have to come up with something new. its doing something that people have probably already thought about but never took the opportunity to take action and capitalize on it. you dont need to be the next tesla. ( and if you know why tesla wasnt popular or as rich its coz he just invented it and ddnt do anything about it he was pioneering but not innovative) benjamin franklin who according to nerds was inferior to Teslas creations was the guy who did something about it guess who got rich and popular when they were alive. what works works, dont fix whats not broken are play safe phrases and if you know better. playing safe gets you nowhere but stuck. risk = reward and thats how you move up in the world quoting Quentin Tarantino you dont need to think of something new. you just have to steal whats already working and improve upon it
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 03:05:04 +0000

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