. . .when u kn0w s0meth.ng and its s0 obvi0us u cant d eny. . . - TopicsExpress


. . .when u kn0w s0meth.ng and its s0 obvi0us u cant d eny. . . its hurtful and hard t0 und erstand why s0me0ne y0u trusted really had the audasityH0WEVER Y0U SPEL THATt0 th.nk y0u w0uldnt realize wats up. W0w! n0t c0ol! i may hav mad e a bad impresn and put myself 0u t t0 l0ok like s0mthng im n0t bu t i w0uldnt have let y0u d0wn like the rest. x0x0x0 y0u hav t0 l0ok thr0ugh my eyes and tel me h0w y0u w0uld hav reacted t0 al the lil situati0ns that were br0uht ap0n me.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:53:50 +0000

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