who.int/csr/disease/ebola/situation-reports/en/ Ebola response - TopicsExpress


who.int/csr/disease/ebola/situation-reports/en/ Ebola response roadmap - Situation report 19 November 2014 SUMMARY A total of 15 145 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) have been reported in six affected countries (Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Spain and the United States of America) and two previously affected countries (Nigeria and Senegal) up to the end of 16 November. There have been 5420 reported deaths. Cases and deaths continue to be under-reported in this outbreak. LIBERIA Case incidence appears to have stabilized over the past 4 weeks, after declining from mid-September until mid-October. A total of 80 probable cases were reported in the week to 15 November. Nationally, on average, between 10 and 20 laboratory-confirmed cases are being reported each day; the trend over time in the number of laboratory-confirmed cases reported each week has mirrored the trend shown in figure 2, with a decline followed by a levelling off in the past 4 weeks. With 46 newly reported probable cases, the Montserrado district, which includes the capital Monrovia, accounts for over half of all cases reported in Liberia during the past week. Bong (12 cases), Grand Bassa (2 cases), Grand Cape Mount (6 cases), Rivercess (13 cases) and Sinoe (1 case) are the only other districts to report a case during the past week. The district of Lofa, in the north of the country and on the border with Guinea, reported no cases for the third consecutive week. GUINEA EVD transmission is persistent in Guinea, although case incidence is stable or declining in several districts. A total of 74 new confirmed and probable cases were reported nationally during the week to 16 November (figure 1). However, data are missing for one day (15 November). The vast majority of new cases were reported from the south-east of the country, near Liberia’s northern border. Here, the neighbouring districts of Macenta (17 new confirmed and probable cases), N’Zerekore (21 new confirmed and probable cases), and Kerouane (12 new confirmed and probable cases) accounted for 67% of all new cases reported in the country during the past week (figure 4). SIERRA LEONE EVD transmission remains intense and widespread in Sierra Leone, with 533 new confirmed cases reported in the week to 16 November. Much of this was driven by intense transmission in the country’s west and north. The worst affected area remains the capital, Freetown, which reported 168 new confirmed cases (figure 3). Transmission remains persistent and intense across the country with the exception of the south east, with the districts of Bo (33 cases), Bombali (52 cases), Koinadugu (25 cases), Kono (12 cases), Moyamba (10 cases), Port Loko (95 cases), Tonkolili (29 cases), and Western Rural Area (102 cases), all reporting high numbers of new cases during the past week. By contrast, several districts in the south east have reported very few new cases in recent weeks after previously reporting declines. Notably, Kenema and Kailahun reported 0 and 1 case, respectively, during the past week. Kenema has not reported a case since 1 November, and there is strong evidence that this is a result of response efforts.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:14:12 +0000

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