who’s this to? YOU? When Moses was born, the king ordered - TopicsExpress


who’s this to? YOU? When Moses was born, the king ordered that all the male babies were to be killed. You can imagine how devastated this mother must have been. She could have easily given up, but instead, she chose to believe that God was still in control. She put Moses into a little basket and sent him down the Nile River. It just so happened that Pharaoh’s daughter was out taking a bath — at the right place and the right time. She heard the cries coming from the basket. She opened it up and saw baby Moses and fell in love with the boy. She was so excited and said, “I’m going to take him as my own.” She looked at her maids and said, “We need to find somebody that can nurse the baby.” One of the maids said, “I know just who to get.” She went and found who? Moses’ mother. Moses’ mother was not only able to raise her son, but she got paid for doing it on top of that. Only God could orchestrate all of that. Today, remember that even in loss, heartache or disappointment, God will order your steps. He’ll line up the right people and the right opportunities and lead you into victory all the days of your life. When you read this is gives you goose bumps! This is not a made up story, It is true facts. I’m saying follow that little voice in your head so you can do better for yourself, your family! This isn’t some sales pitch I get on here daily to share with y’all. By now the people who know and have seen the transformations done when you join up with a team and start working, thinking and believing positively your days will go like that. I’m sure Moses’s Mother sat and sobbed watching her son go down that river, not knowing even if he’d survive just being in the basket let alone who or if someone would find him. Can you see yourself as her when the maid came to her to tell her she needs her to nurse her OWN baby she just sent down river to save his life! Pretty profound feelings hit me as I am a mom and I couldn’t fathom sending my kids away like that. But then given the gift of her son all over again. That is what you can do when you decide to make a decision to stop playing the “proda” game. you know the” wine taste on the beer budget”? Go back to that place in your mind and heart and know your going to be taken care of. Doing this blogging isn’t a money thing for myself. I want to be that maid that comes to you and says “here’s your son back”. Nurse him, take care of him. Here’s your other chance. Do you get the analogy here?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:52:52 +0000

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