why are these people allowed to get away with this - why are our - TopicsExpress


why are these people allowed to get away with this - why are our governments letting this happen. Is it because they are stupid or are they maybe pretending to be stupid by saying they are doing the best they can with the resources they have.....they are not trying to solve the problem, they are pretending to solve it with words and empty promises on the TV screen and parliament, but in reality they are scheming to make things even worse. Why - to get you into a FEAR about the muslims - every western country around the world is having the same problems - is that coincidence that every western country around the world is having problems with islamic extremists - and its all come of a surprise to America - the biggest mechanised army on the planet, the most sophisticated listening apparatus ever in the history of our planet as revealed by edward snowden capable of listening to nearly every phone call made on this planet and decrypting it if necessary using quantum computers- you are telling me, they couldnt see this coming with ISIS and AL Quaeda, didnt know that they were planning this - sounds like bullshit, smells like bullshit - usually is BULLSHIT! 911 was an inside job - no muslims on the plane - they were drone planes - no pilots.This is all leading to their planned world war 3 between Israel and the Muslims where they annihilate each other and then they will come out and offer a solution to stop this ever happening again - a one world government with a one world army (they have been planning this for nearly three centuries). Throw into the mix Project Bluebeam and we are all going to have a very few interesting years ahead of us I believe! jeff C in the video is a seasoned false flag online expert - see what he has to say about the Sydney Shooting which were a false flag event - they were using government paid actors https://youtube/watch?v=c-MYus2bXl0 Sydney Siege Hoax - CRISIS ACTORS GALORE!! Get a BUCKET ready! As Peekay says... get ur bucket ready! YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 10:41:38 +0000

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