why cant five million vegetarians,vegans,humanitarians ,animal - TopicsExpress


why cant five million vegetarians,vegans,humanitarians ,animal lovers organise a march like the one against iraq war or like the ukraine maidan protest and name ans shame barbaric,facists lads and lasses who are hell bent on slaughter and get humane decent folks in europe to scrap four hundred billion subsidy to farmers and citizens to join tory party and deselect mps who promote and autorise the mindless ,cruel moronic cull.so that david camerron,ed miliband,nick clegg,one in three or three in one can be deselected just like tim yeo ,tory and anne macintosh of north yorkshire were deselected by thier constituencies.indeed,a new law for citizens not only to recall thier mp,sack em if they lie,mislead and dont keep election promise or manifesto promise to get into power but also a law t forfiet thier pensions,perks and ill gotten gains through holding public office,forfiet to the state may make mps,ministers to wise up in double qick time,not to be cruel and not to waste hard earned tax payers money.phew.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:44:33 +0000

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