why do u call me,Lord, Lord, n do not do what i say? - TopicsExpress


why do u call me,Lord, Lord, n do not do what i say? Luk6:46 Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.. Matt10:37 CASE STUDY OF EVE: ..WHEN d WOMAN SAW that d fruit of d tree was gud for food n pleasing to d eye,n also desirable for gaining wisdom,she took some n ate it.. Gen3:1-19 *we never can tel what we love until we come across them *Eve didnt know that d fruit possessed such qualities until d serpent pointed them out *She thought she loved God above all n would obey His words but her contact with d fruits qualities proved her wrong Beloved,has this happened to us? Thinking we wouldnt do contrary but found ourselves eating d fruit like Eve ..I write this to u so that u wil not sin. But if anybody does sin,we have one who speaks to d Father in our defence-Jesus Christ,d Righteous One 1Jh2:1 No-one who is born of God wil continue to sin.. 1Jh3:9 May d LORDS mercy prevail over us to love HIM in deed n in truth to d end inJESUSnamAMEN
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 05:28:37 +0000

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