why do we have a space program? When you think about it, who - TopicsExpress


why do we have a space program? When you think about it, who really benefits from these programs? Not, you, not me, nor any of the millions of other americans NOT associated with the space exploration projects. So, who really benefits from these programs? These so-called Scientific Communities are pouring billions and billions of dollars into these federally, publicly and tax funded programs. They are sending multi-billion dollar telescopes into space, spending billions upon billions of TAX dollars on the development of newer, larger, more expensive and elaborate telescopes, including reflector and radio telescopes, just to look for something they will never hope to see, the end, or the beginning of the universe. Why? Why?, Why are they doing this? More important, who is paying for all of this? Thats right, you are, we are... Every single one of us who pay our taxes, are the ones footing the bill for these elaborate, overrated programs, that have never really amounted to very much, except to satisfy the curiosity of the very tiny handful of so-called scientists that come up with hair-brained theories and conjectures of things that they will never be able to conclusively prove. It isnt the multimillionaires, or the multi-billionaires that pay taxes. They are sheltered by all the loopholes in the law that allow them to get away with never paying a penny in taxes, when in truth, the millions that they pay into their so-called charities amounts to mere crumbs from their table, if that. I actually call it Pixie Dust because the amount they pay to their charities is so miniscule in comparison to the amount of money they make is so small, that it barely registers or counts with their overall, actual, net-worth. Their gross income is astronomically high, but is hardly dented after they pay their subordinates and underlings who do the actual work for them. Even their underlings are filthy rich, but at least they work. So, who is left to pay these billions and billions of dollars on these so-called scientific expeditions that will never benefit the public in any conceivable fashion? Yup, its us. We, from the lower middle class to those who live in the poverty level that foot the taxes for the entire country, and ultimately, the world... These so-called scientists are nothing more than an overrated, over glorified and ultimately, exclusive sorority club that very few are ever allowed to join. So I ask you this; When our country is in such shambles and endanger of ultimate and total collapse and ruin, why are we footing this bill for this all exclusive club? We have medical bills that arent being met. We have a deficit that amounts to trillions of dollars. The amounts of cash poured into these programs amounts to trillions, that could have been used to lower the deficit that is so out of control, that there is precious little hope of ever recovering from it. And we have only one man to thank for it. His decisions laid the groundwork for our ultimate financial demise. Who was it? Thats right, George W. Bush, who started these wars that are still eating billions of dollars of OUR tax dollars every single day, that We, the lower middle class, lower class, and poverty level tax payers are paying. My wife and I are actually a poverty level employees, not making enough to keep my financial head above the financial waters. My wifes income just barely keeps us above the lower class income, but below the lower middle class. We are just barely above the poverty level, and are losing grounds, but we are still required to pay our taxes. Taxes that are wasted on programs that will never come to fruition and benefit the human race, or the american public in any way whatsoever. Like I said before, the only ones benefiting from all that spending, are the so-called Scientific communities. And who is giving them all that money? Congress, our presidents, the senators and our local, state and federal representatives. The plain truth is, they really dont give a damn about us. They only want to give as much of our taxes away, and to line their pockets and to demand even more from us. And the worst offenders of these? The Republicans and the Democrats. Each is just as bad as the other, there is no real discernible difference between them other than they are supposed to be Different Political Parties. If you look at both parties very closely you will see, their agenda is absolutely and unequivocally the same across the board. So I will ask you again, why are we allowing these billions and billions of our tax dollars, to be poured into these programs that provide no real benefit to anyone, except to the ones who are running those all exclusive, sorority clubs? Think about it.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:31:55 +0000

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