why do you think it is most millionaires and self made business - TopicsExpress


why do you think it is most millionaires and self made business folks have a story of huge failure in their past? A bankruptcy, a launch that put them in the negative, an employee that ran off with their bank to Tahiti leaving them with nothing... It seems to be a common thread. The reason they all seem to have this is because real reward comes with real risk. A REAL BIG FAILURE is better than a small success, because its a sign that youre able to take huge risks for huge rewards. Yes at times it pays to play it safe, and Im not advising to go drain your 401k and buy a $50,000 Tony Robbins franchise - but at some point you either have to make it or break it. And its ok to break it. Amateurs dont take any risks, they dont even risk starting most of the time. Theyre scared of the first step and dont have the ability to make it to the last step. I had a HUGE opportunity that I blew recently because I looked at it as an amateur would. I didnt go pro - didnt take the risk. It would have been better for it to FAIL miserably than to never have happened. Thats the biggest mistake you can make - not taking the risk because you have your ego attached to the result. YOU are not what makes or breaks the result, if youre a professional you know this. YOU are not your failures, they are results of taking a big risk and being incorrect, and its ok to be incorrect. What am I getting at? STOP tying yourself to your results, welcome failure - huge ones... Shoot for a big win, you might fail, but if youre pro you will probably win. The best bar stories are big plays that failed miserably - but eventually lead to something amazing. Go make some bar stories folks! sean.co/362
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 20:10:51 +0000

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