why here and now ? film by Abdallah Chamekh with Mahmoud - TopicsExpress


why here and now ? film by Abdallah Chamekh with Mahmoud Chalbi Here and now is a short movie opt for depicting everyday life in a post-revolution Tunisia,it is a brief summary in the ferments of late tunisian revolution in which an artistic touch is imputed to chide the reasons behind the bitter reality of the tunisian people . the film-maker attributes a philosophical approach ,the so called the philosophy of space ,which reveals that the film is more than a reportage of fact but a structure of fiction which has a sceptical or demythologizing aspect capable of assimilating the empirical and the philosophical through a direct window to familiarity .Thus through the main character mahmoud chalbi ,a known tunisian artist , a new pattern of culture altering all ideas of human nature ,society and the individual s place in history which brings a new spirit that became apparent in the film via a tunisian artistic touch .
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 11:56:17 +0000

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