why india need one party one leader muust read for Loyal Indian:8% - TopicsExpress


why india need one party one leader muust read for Loyal Indian:8% growth acheived by india was only from 1991 to 2000 while the average growth between 2001 to 2014 was less than 6% Chinas growth rate from 90s till know was consistent that is more than 11% & still going strong.in simple language if china economy during in 1991 was 100 it is currently more than 13 time ie 1300 while indias economy which also was in 1991 was 100 growth is less than 5 time ie 488, Why india not able to catch wih china even though they have open their country for liberalisation at the same time.They reason is one and only one ,India has multiple parties rule in India from 1991 to 2014 who were having vested interest & personal ambition which stop decision making in the centre .they along with ruling party at the time were all involved in corruption & meantime derailing reform & industrilisation in the process. China has one party with one leader made strong decision and single focus implemented refor with Iron fist the result China todays is miles ahead of India economically & Militarily & technological on par with developed economy. no wonder china economy in comparison to india more than 2&half time.China economy today contribute more than 10% to world economy while india contribute less than 2% to world economy.China is today worlds 2nd biggest exporter surpassing japan & germany,closing the gap fast with usa.In china manufacturing contribution to its economy is more than 50% & now their service industry contribution is around 30%.While In India manufacturing contribute less than 10% to its economy & service contribute around 30%.China has more than 10 trillion dollar foreign resrves due to FDI which is permanent while India has less than 400 billion foreign resrves that is more due to FII (foreign institutional investor invested in india share market) ie temporary which is evident by sharemarket collapse around 4 times from 1991 to 2014 where these FII makes Killing Profit & Poor Indian retail Investor loose every time. Result due to this political uncertainity & wrong policy at the centre with weak ruling party & indecisiveleaders India lost the race with china in last 2 &half decade.but 2014 election change it with narendra modi with absolute majority at centre.now even though BJP is at the power in centre which gives it absolute strength in loksabha it is not able to pass the crucial bill for reform which will accelerate Indias growth in rajya sabha where BJP has low strength ie minority . why all state elected legislator of India appoints MP for the rajya sabha according to their no strength, So for rapid development of India BJP has to win all the state elections icluding Delhi. Silver Lining for India in last decade was gujrat that to because of BJP & strong leader Narendra Modi who with is industru friendly & agriculture friendly policy kept gujrat growth rate for more than 11% matching with china growth even sometime exceeding.Mind that Modi never ran away from his responsibilty even Kutch earthquake which devasted gujrat rebulid each & every house & infrastucture in 1 year.During surat Plague he stood firm & made surat worldclass in less than 2 years.Infact surat been awarded best devloped city in India consistently here to he didnot runaway.Narendra Modi has visited Kashmir more than any PM of India even to siachin which is consider to be second coldest place in world to elevate Indian army moral.During Kashmir flood ,narendra modi devoted all the resourcess to provide people of kashmir safety & food.. remember narendra modi this time also not ran away..After becoming PM Narendra Modi tour all the developed country to attract investement & Indian diaspora to come back to india to develop it.Narendra Modi with strong BJP is commited to Develop India.No leader in India can come close to Narendra Modi for his India love & devotion..India dont need dramabaaz leaders & party who made mockry by saying kashmir is not India part & who are known to runaway from responsibilty everytime.This is Why Party with single strong leader is needed. Only BJP under Narendra ,Single strong leader & strong party across india & its state including (delhi) is needed .It also emphasis why their is abolute no alternative to Narendra Modi & BJP. also watch china indian comparison by bbc Must Watch by who love India.note this video is old but worth watching when india was growning odd at around 7%. https://youtube/watch?v=b4NT9yVRRxg
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:35:43 +0000

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