why not simply chop off the rapists penis, slice his balls off, - TopicsExpress


why not simply chop off the rapists penis, slice his balls off, and for good measure put him in a jail full of murderers who hate rapists? anyone interested in collaborating on making a movie: the goal should be scare the living daylights out of every potential rapist, lets face it, some of the rapists are BOYS, so no harm in ensuring that they know the difference between masturbation and rape... i saw a photo of a girl holding a placard with the message: Masturbate. Dont Rape! India has come to this? the blatant cause, that everyone seems to be missing, is how regressive normal girl-boy interactions is in MOST of India, not to mention Bharat. they learn segregated (well, i went to a Military Boarding school, which had about 12 girls (children of officers/faculty and staff) and almost SIX hundred boys, and NOT a single instance of a girl EVER being harmed, BUT, even speaking to them on matters of the SainikSchoolDay club activities created waves on campus!). 99% of the boys HAD never spoken to a girl, other than their own family during vacation, in EIGHT years of school! though that is an extreme, the idea of sending girls to girls schools, mostly for SAFETY, shamefully, and boys to boys school (so that he is distracted by girls?), as though boyish interest in NOT boys was something deviant and despicable. by not encouraging girl-boy NATURAL interactions as CHILDREN, guided by THEIR own peers for the most part, and of course kept an eye on: for their own safety rather than spying on their activities, and NOT pretending they are growing into the strangeness of THEIR own rapidly changing bodies, that we are simply no different than animals who dont feel any problem in being NAKED with their selves... body and spirit. the barriers to such healthy interaction is manifold and complexly layered. but the most obstinately PATRILINEAL clans are the ones who perpetrate, with judicial as well as political (which automatically includes the two basic types of Mafia in most democracies: the Uniformed ones calling themselves Police and the other type: the Aruvaal to AK47 armed Goondaas, who share ALL their information with the Uniformed ones periodically. the Military-Industrial complex pales in comparison to the Gothra-Caste-Landowners-Politicians-Police-Judges exploitative complex that has fine-tuned itself into a parallel Governing machinery... that can churn out Agnis that they cant control...
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:41:11 +0000

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