why some ordinary mortals either disrespect or tarnish image of - TopicsExpress


why some ordinary mortals either disrespect or tarnish image of the people, who really helped them? such things give feeling of betrayal and benumbed. My late father used to tell an anecdote that once a person complained to andhra kesari prakasam panthulu garu that a particular gentleman was making outright lies and slanders against the legendary panthulu garu and in response to which late Prakasam replied that there was no need for resorting to such kind acts as he never did any favour to that particular person. i call for views of my friends on this matter but you all know i can not desist giving my views even if those are pedantic. gratitude, a positive celestial emotion or feeling derives in us when we receive help or benefit or compassion either asked or unasked; either from known or unknown. Gratefulness to the benefactors gives us immense pleasure and even reinforces our strengths and success. (The greatest benefactors are nature, parents, teachers, employers, doctors through whom God bestow our birth, education, livelihood, health etc.) Man, with some sort of functional mind shall always feel grateful to his benefactor and such feelings may be longer or shorter based on the kind of benefit he had got and its lasting. it is more important that it all depends on the wisdom and intellect of the person who received the benefit. and it also depends on what kind of advantage the other person takes for his help. Most of us normally are grateful and try to be grateful throughout to those who gave us livelihood and rescued from starvation and defamation etc. (most of us, the Indians fall for one meal) man, a bundle of emotions and relations do feel respect, bow down and keep himself low before when he encounters his helper / benefactor. and such feelings emanate from the person even without his knowledge and notice even if he wants to suppress such feelings. and trivial people do not want such bow down before or give respect to or keeping at low level at their helper. may be such feelings start either immediately or in the long run. then his brain functions both questioning and answering. internal friction of conscience and inner self starts. now the person wants to come out of the feeling of low. then starts the game unknowingly or knowingly hatred, malign and slander; thereby answers and make his inner self believe that his helper is a mean and undeserving to be respected and bowed down and like that. So gradually he comes out but in the said course he tries causes damage to the other person. this may be the reason late panthulu garu said like that. another aspect, some people even resort to such things to avoid reciprocal favours. these are intentional acts of wicked and crooked. another kind of instance may also be that some people expect and takes undue advantage for their help and people in the course of coming out such ordeal (indeed) resort to such things. nothing of above the two immediate preceding paragraphs shall happen if we do help without expecting anything. but we shall be helpless when we fall in the other one.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:40:19 +0000

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