[[ wincest drabble bc im in a writing mood i might edit this - TopicsExpress


[[ wincest drabble bc im in a writing mood i might edit this later idk If you were to ever ask Dean Winchester what the most important thing in his life would be, something he absolutely could never live without, youd get one of two answers. If you caught him in a joking mood, hed probably flash you a smirk and say women, his car, or some freshly made pie. But when it came down to it, his brother Sam was truly the one and only object of his happiness. Sam knows it, too. And if youd ask him the same thing, hed give you the same response, that his brother is the most important thing in his life. Everyone knows about the erotically co-dependent brothers who always tend to stand a little too close together to be considered platonic. Sam needs Dean just as much as Dean needs Sam. It was always that way. Ever since they were little and on the road with their father. Everything they do is in sync. How they walk, how they talk, everything. Hell, if they were on the opposite side of the gender spectrum, theyd probably be synced in their time of the month. If you ever pay close attention to them, whether theyre just standing in a room together or fighting a monster, theyre always hyperaware to where the other is in the room, almost as if theyre afraid of losing track of the other. It would make sense, considering theyve been to hell and back, in both the literal and figurative sense. The way they interact would let anyone, even outsiders know how close they are. The overlooked violations of personal space, the longing glances at each other, the casual touches passed between them, and the way they somehow seem to communicate with each other with just a single glance. These were the Winchester boys. Sometimes its thought that theyre invincible, that they can do anything and conquer anyone, they have no weaknesses. Thats certainly not true. Theyre each others weaknesses, and their enemies sure have a field day exploiting it sometimes. Like their most recent run-in with a pack of angelic pricks. The leader of the group of feathered assholes found a way to lead them to an abandoned building, and closed them off from each other. Almost immediately, they were getting uncomfortable without the other by their side. Dean always tends to show his discomfort with a wiseass smirk and a few jokes. Sam openly shows it, interrogating the empty room with who are yous and whatd you do to my brothers. The angel holding them captive finds this amusing. Youre more worried about your brother than you are about yourself, even though you both are in equal amounts of danger? That is very… selfless of you, Boy King. The angel finally materialized himself before Sam, his vessel garbed in a suit typical to what most of the angels wore. Sam cautiously looked him over, boldly taking a step forward. Where is he? He pleaded. The angel shrugged and casually looked at his nails in a way that made Sams blood boil. Where. /Is/ he? Sam asked once again, with more authority in his voice. The angel scoffed at him and raised his hands in defense. Temper, temper! And I heard your brother was the dysfunctional one, the angel laughed to himself. Sam wasnt laughing. The angel just grinned and continued. I know where your brother is. I would tell you, but… That would ruin the fun, wouldnt it? Youre hopeless without your dear big brother, arent you, Sammy? Youd do anything to get him back, wouldnt you? The angel laughed again, and Sam had him pinned to the wall. Im done… playing games with you. Where is Dean? Sam growled, looking down at thr smug faced angel beneath him. Wouldnt you like to know? Sam had pulled out an angel blade by now, and had it squared under his chin. The smug smirk the angel had vanished, and was instead replaced with a look of boredom. He waved his hand, and the wall that was separating the brothers vanished. On the other side stood Dean, breathless and bloody, fighting off a pack of angels. Sam was so relieved to see him, he let go of his grip on the angel, who just sighed. You were getting boring, the angel stated plainly as Sam rushed to Deans aid. As the last angel was killed between the two of them, they turned to each other and grinned, quietly congratulating each other on a job well done. Just as Sam was about to say something, Dean vanished, and the room darkened. Sams eyes went wide with panic. You were getting boring, the angel restated, no longer in the room, but his voice echoing throughout the walls. So I decided to make it fun again. You wanna see your brother? Hes over there. The angel laughed again as a corner of the room lit up to reveal the real Dean, beaten and broken. Sam gasped and ran over to him, kneeling down and cradling him with the look of a guilty puppy. No… No, no. Stay with me, Dean. Cmon… Sam whispered. Dean flashed him a weak smile and coughed. Sammy, I… He coughed again, more harshly than before. Shh, dont talk. Dont talk. Ill… Ill find a way to fix this, Dean. You just gotta stay with me. Sam could almost feel the life draining from Deans body as his eyes glazed over. He was crying by now, the tears relentless and overflowing. He buried his face in the crook of Deans neck, muttering his name over and over again, as if it were some spell to bring him back to life. The angel was long gone by then, and so was his gang of followers. Sam didnt notice. He didnt care. The only thing he did care about was already long gone as well, and with it, his happiness.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 22:50:41 +0000

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