winner 3 David Rowlands IRISH LIVE PSYCHIC MEDIUM - for a reading - TopicsExpress


winner 3 David Rowlands IRISH LIVE PSYCHIC MEDIUM - for a reading ring 1580 997 207 Five of Cups- Past patterns that once confused you can be overcome; take action to change them. When the Five of Cups is in this position, you are assessing the mixed messages you received in the past about relationships, an emotional legacy of highs and lows which you could be inclined to repeat. Every family creates an emotional climate that ultimately shapes the character and style of each child. Early confusion about whether you were loved or wanted colors how you react to and interpret people in your present life. The Five of Cups suggests that you may be agonizing over a pattern from the bad old days which is arising in your present life. Dont let yourself simply sink into feeling miserable. Get up and try to make it right again. Four of Cups - The situation contains potential. You will need a strong, clear sense of direction in order to fulfill it. When the Four of Cups is in this position, your situation is filled with possibilities not yet activated. Vast potential is languishing, taking a nap in the sun as it were. Something exciting, focusing or catalytic is required to get things moving in the direction of fulfillment.The situation is begging for direction or a new statement of purpose. This is both good and bad. On the upside, anything is possible; all the raw ingredients for success are in place. On the other side, without leadership and a clear goal, the results are likely to be unfocused and chaotic.Look inside yourself to get a sense of whether you are the hand bringing in the fiery cup or whether you are the one witnessing an opportunity that is waiting to happen. Six of Pentacles - Give a hand up to those who are willing to improve their situation, but dont nurture dependence. The Six of Coins in this position bids you to find a way to be helpful without creating dependence. It is a challenge to detach oneself enough from the outcome of ones own efforts to promote self-sufficiency and success among others. In some situations people need assistance or support, and it is good to help them. But if we spend our energy doing for those who can help themselves, we are actually performing a disservice. Your best contribution will not result from saving or rescuing others. Your best contribution lies in encouraging and challenging others to rise above their current limits. See if there is a way you can create incentives for higher performance.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:07:18 +0000

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