wired/2014/06/net_neutrality_missing/ The conversation has - TopicsExpress


wired/2014/06/net_neutrality_missing/ The conversation has shifted due to new information. Essentially net neutrality is already dead. What is left should be preserved, but perhaps via a different (old) method. The real problem is lack of competition among ISPs. If there was more competition, they couldnt get away with throttling Netflix for long because consumers would just leave. Thats how to keep them honest. So the solution is obvious, and should enjoy wide support: break up Comcast, TimeWarner, Verizon, etc. In a way that allows a wide variety of companies to sell their resources, similarly to how we were able to buy dial up services from many providers in the 90s. The biggest resistance to this plan comes from the fact that the government probably has to confiscate private property, but theres got to be a way to do it under the prohibition on monopolies that makes works. Certainly there arent many folks who would have any sympathy for Comcast. So John Oliver got it right that preventing cable company f***ery ought to be the rallying cry, but the way to do that isnt to bother with preserving or changing the way the internet is regulated, that landscape will always shift faster than the government can keep up. The problem is the consumer experience, and the solution is for there to be more ISP options. I only have two, and that is not enough. Thats called a duopoly, and it is just as destructive as a monopoly.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 03:48:14 +0000

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