wisdomkeepersproject GY Brown gyframe1My stories come from - TopicsExpress


wisdomkeepersproject GY Brown gyframe1My stories come from personal perspective, indigenous prophesy, and cultural directives. My message is to encourage and strengthen the divine passage each of us holds within that point to direct the way to purpose. By recognizing the acceptance of our Life-Agreement, we gain the capacity to control our life’s trajectory. Life’s challenges become less threatening to our well-being because we know these challenges should be part of our experience. We can then recognize and complete our life mission with honor and grace. Everyone’s life is a journey, seeking directions and signals to point our way. I invite you to discover the purpose of your life by opening up to the possibility that you are a divine traveler, fulfilling your Life-Agreement in this wondrous time and space. Seeking our directions outside our divine connection to Spirit leads us away from whom we really are. Asking how to live an enlightened future, to walk through this Life-Agreement with cogent directions opens the traveler to wellbeing. By utilizing the Life-Agreement and Medicine Wheel as personal guidance systems, challenges become opportunities, obstacles turn to understanding, completing life’s missions results in Oneness and harmony. GY Brown’s Works Include… 7 Days to Forget 7 Days to Forget chronicles the Life Agreements made by humans during the first seven days after birth and follows the lives of Lucas Murrell and his family as they apply ancient traditions to modern life. As Lucas watches his life in review, he is reminded of the reasons he chose this life and remembers the lessons taught to him and his family by Ms. Abby Bloodroot, Native spiritual guide, healer, and friend. Guided by the Knowing, Lucas remembers truths long forgotten and realizes that he can communicate with his daughter Marissa and come to know his grandson Jack whose birth occurs simultaneously with his passing. Marissa, too, remembers that death is not an end and finds comfort in her father’s presence at the birth of her son, one of a new generation of children who will not forget their agreement to use their new gifts to usher in a new era of universal acceptance and understanding on Earth. Learn More… 7 Lives Remembered The limitless aspects of our spiritual selves solidify into reality as we witness Echo’s Life-Agreement unfold, revealing many facets that shape us into multidimensional, spiritual beings, capable of comprehending many levels of existence simultaneously. Learn More… The Boy Who Remembers…Coming Soon… GY Brown’s first children’s book, The Boy Who Remembers is an excellent, child centered companion to 7 Days to Forget. Jack is no ordinary boy. He has unique gifts. Jack remembers! Jack remembers the time with his star family before he was born. He remembers choosing his parents and why he became a boy. Jack remembers why he came to Earth! Join Jack and his family on an extraordinary journey as they recognize Jack’s talents, find his friends and help us all to remember!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 02:06:38 +0000

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