with the chokehold death of eric garner and the shooting of - TopicsExpress


with the chokehold death of eric garner and the shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, i see tens of thousands of people protesting police brutality. my retort would be WHAT IS THE POINT??? we go through this every few years or so, rodney king ring a bell??? tawana brawley anybody??? how about we go all the way back to the civil rights days with wild dogs and fire hoses in birmingham and selma and rosa parks refusing to move to the back of the bus. you protested then and you protest now and nothing has or ever will change. you will still have knuckleheaded ignorant bigots out there judging people because of the color of their skin. you will still have trigger happy abusive police officers because the job of the police officer is not to protect and serve as it says on his or her car, badge, patch on their shoulder and anywhere else you want to put it, his or her job is to be a moral entrepreneur for the higher ups and to enforce social norms. a police officers job is about indimitation through fear of reprisal if a crime is committed. lets break it down here, what is the definition of the word crime, crime is discribed as an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law; especially, a gross violation of law. crime is also discribed as a grave offense especially against morality. AKA being a moral entrepreneur. morals is defined as concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior, it is also decribed as based on what YOU think is right and good. once again, enforcing social norms to ones inclinement. what i find puzzling is what YOU might find as right and wrong maybe would not be the same as what I define as right and wrong. for example, i dont believe it to be right to put a black man in a chokehold when he clearly states that he can not breathe because of said chokehold, i also dont believe it to be right to pull over a man on the highway, preferably of african american or hispanic hertiage and harass him or accuse him of commiting a crime (theres that word again) on the basis of his race. unfortunately, protesting will never solve the problem. their will always be bigots out their, thus is why it is called a old boys club. something i know all too well in living in and around the texas panhandle and being from oklahoma. you cannot turn on the amarillo news without seeing a black or hispanic person being arrested for thief, minor drug busts (mostly marijuana) and for child neglect. i,ll end this random though on a similar note. i never noticed that racism was under my nose the whole time. i went to school here in new mexico, i went with blacks, hispanics and asians. i never saw their color, i saw them as my friends. but the school did see their color because they imposed a dress code to keep kids from wearing clothes they deemed to be gang related. when in reality, that rule was targeted towards blacks and hispanics wearing baggy clothes. my mother was not a good mother and when i was seven, social services came to my house and took me, a white guy whos son to a white mom and dad, away from my mother. 20 years later, my half sister, who is white, has two little boys with a hispanic male. they are half white/half hispanic. the father took my sister to court about being a negligent mother (which she very much is) and he goes before a judge with blonde hair and blue eyes. my sister puts on a emmy award winning performance in front of the judge and she is allowed to keep her children, not to mention, social services dont do anything to try and help the hispanic male father see his kids, which he hasnt see in 5 months. its funny how quick social services were to help me (a white kid) and not those two little boys (who are half and half) who at times have gone without electricity in the house and live in a rats nest because my half sister is very irresponsible. but then again, social services is irresponsible and incompetent in not speeding up the process in having kids she pawns off on the babysitter while shes working taken away from her. if you think their is justice in this country, keep believing the american dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. i stopped believing a long time ago.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 11:28:24 +0000

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