with the full weight of the next-to-last school day before winter - TopicsExpress


with the full weight of the next-to-last school day before winter break bearing down on him, junior was slow to get ready this morning and ran out of time to walk sadie before we trundled off to school. i decided that id take sadie to the dog park as a reward for her patience, so on the way out the door, i grabbed her leash and it only took one wanna go for a ride, girl? to get her in the car. after we dropped junior and with sadie having delighted the safety patrols and kids walking by with her cute doggie face in the back window, we wound our way to clark avenue and on to peace street. two or three blocks before krispy kreme, sadie very much knew we were close and began her characteristic impatient whining and panting. all the way down boundary street i had to gently remind her that the park was mere moments away and that she needed to calm her tits, as the kids say nowadays. i didnt have to manage sadie at all once i loosed her from the back seat. she ran to the gate and waited... albeit impatiently... for me to let her in. once we got through the paddock, she greeted the other dogs cheerfully and proceeded to run and play like a puppy. of course she pooped... that there is what cajun chef justin wilson would call a gar-awn-teed event at the dog park... and she peed so much that i am convinced that her body is like a tardis... MUCH bigger on the inside. getting back to the car, i used the leash, since the squirrels were out, and those ones by the dog park are smug little assholes because they know that the dogs are always contained or leashed, so they have no fear of retribution when it comes to taunting the poor pups by sitting nearby and twitching just enough to drive the dogs insane. after the park, i drove an accidentally meandering route back home that took us up the old part of wake forest road between brookside and peace, and in that stretch there was a guy in a little, sporty subaru that was weaving and speeding, changing lanes without using a signal, straddling the lanes, running up on slowed or stopped cars, waving his arms wildly, tailgating... the whole 7 deadly driving sins... just in that little half-mile strip. when we got to the light at peace, we were both stopped and i, after rolling down my window and getting his attention, signaled for him to do the same. when he had, i said, loudly, but politely, excuse me... are you a space man? he hesitated, squinted, then confusedly shouted, what?! i then shouted, are you a space man?!?! when he paused, i followed with, cause you drive like youre from another planet! i immediately looked forward and began rolling up my window. the light turned green just then, so i made the right on peace and continued homeward. i have no idea what the space man did. as i drove by the tops gas station, i couldve sworn i heard sadie snickering in the back seat.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:59:59 +0000

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