with the passing of robin williams highlights the dangers of - TopicsExpress


with the passing of robin williams highlights the dangers of depression and how it can effect anyone of us i for one have suffered depression most of my life i think since my dad passed away when i was 12 there was a big hole in my life and i seen how much it effected mum at time and she was left to bring me and my sister up :( and ever since i have had depression and the thing with depression is its not that ur sad there is alot more to it and alot of folk are ignorant to the facts of depression u can look happy on outside like robin williams but inside be dying and feel hopeless and inadequate etc but u wear the mask so ur accepted even when u dont accept urself alot of it is insecurities and wanting to be liked and make others happy which then makes u happy and thats what ive been like al my life trying to be accepted and liked and when that doesnt happen puts u deeper into depression and gives u the ver low points which happens to me alot can be good one minute then something happens then ur down for longer and it takes alot of time and effort to get back up again just someone asking if ur ok and show that they care is all that is needed sometimes and at end of day you could be saving that persons life :) ive known of people who have taken their own lives as they prob were embarrassed to say they were depressed and couldnt talk to their peers or folks close to them, so put the brave face on show folks they look happy when really they are seeking approval and soo unhappy so they go the opposite so noone catches on what they are really feeling :( its a terrible affliction and folks should educate them selves in depression and know the warning signs and do their upmost to help others and themselves :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:49:34 +0000

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