working on exciting projects at night is the best cure for - TopicsExpress


working on exciting projects at night is the best cure for anything. when I focus all of my emotions into a venue entirely distanced from them, I find total peace. this past night, I felt absolute relief and a surge of adrenaline. Relief from the many disturbing and difficult emotions which have been within me recently due to some difficult life situations. Im not complaining, rather sharing an insight so that perhaps the sharing of it may provide some benefit to anyone going through challenging difficulties. Im discovering that who I am, what and who I love, automatically becomes imprinted in whatever I do, entirely without my own conscious self instilling it. The concept of self-loss is almost entirely gone when the self isnt worried about loss. whoever declared that work should be a job, drab, 9-5, done in an office, or not in tune to who you are has perhaps never fully utilized Technology & The Internet. :D. Creativity in the Arts always seemed to drain or rob me in one way or another, or didnt truly offer an avenue for me to express my brain. Theres still something very egoically unappealing to me about the arts - as if every creation for the masses eventually becomes just an outburst akin to that of a hysterical teenager. Either it suffers in artistic integrity by being too mainstream, or it screams of megalomania. Or it just, in reality, fails to provide for a solid future or finance anyone I love with their future. When I refer to finance I ultimately refer to total financial freedom, and that just isnt possible through the arts unless youre willing to compromise the purity of your art to support what is popular. Its a tough catch-22. The Sciences, however, just werent creative enough. Philanthropy generally is so laced with politics that the intent becomes lost in the haze of hippie logic. Agriculture is void of whimsy. It is as if every avenue, just, didnt, sync with me. Its a strange paradox to navigate, being a naturally introverted hermit yet simultaneously loving people (from a distance). Ive always wanted to help others and never knew just which channel was the best way to do that. I get high off of ideas that can change the world for the better. Ive tried pretty much every avenue in life in my attempt to match my deepest idealisms with my greatest ambitions. Business might just be the best way of doing exactly that. A venue that provides a platform for ideas and honest expenditure of energy in a positive manner. Every entrepreneur is driven by something beyond themselves. I dont support the greed embedded within capitalism or the foundation of most modern corporations, but I do support the heart of what business can be in ideology: providing humanity with what it needs, through a method that is digestibly accessible. I think business people are sort of...gods. Happy, efficient, passionate, responsible, effective, optimistic, pragmatic, visionary, and world-changing. There is so much room for real concern in the mindset of any business person, for a true desire to help people and when that switch is ignited inside a human brain - its one of the best sensations ever! the most common complaint I hear from people is I hate my job. If you hate your job - why are you doing it? Its Your Life. Your Choice. Find another way... I think everybody on this planet should be an entrepreneur.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:17:00 +0000

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