would like to point out that the deputy had pulled someone over - TopicsExpress


would like to point out that the deputy had pulled someone over with no real emergency, the traffic stop would mean the man being stopped would have had to have been in commerce for the deputy to have authority to pull him over or a clear and present danger to the public or to someones property would have had to exist for the deputy to have the authority to engage a TRAFFIC stop, Sheriff Blair himself has been served many times over regarding the commercial ASPECTS OF A DRIVERS LICENSE IS ONLY NEEDED BY THOSE IN COMMERCE ..... By: Paul Rowe .... Im going to set this straight one more time. Dual capacity. The license is for business, transporting persons or property for profit. When a cab driver or coal truck driver gets off work, they have a private life, and travel. If not transporting persons or property in commerce, they are not at work. Excepting the license does not waive the right to a private life after work. I beat 12 no insurance tickets at once with this argument, after the judge insisted he had jurisdiction over all my activities just because I had a license. He disqualified himself and stormed out of the court room, and the second judge disqualified himself and canceled my second hearing before a third judge they called In from the capital dismissed by mail with no explanation Nothing In the contract says the right is surrendered in exchange for a privilege. The license permits regulation of commercial activities only. I had a license when I beat the no insurance tickets, and beat them because I was traveling, and not driving. Just because I bought the privilege to drive, does not mean I lose the right to travel. However, I cant claim the freedoms of travel if I should choose to drive, In commerce, transporting persons or property for profit. When you are charged with, for instance, driving without a license, they hope you focus on the license and skip over the driving part - the driving part of the charge is a conclusion of law, with out the alleged fact being substantiated or tried. Its a trick in most COMPOUND charges that goes unnoticed, when it should be objected to as unproven or unsubstantiated. You call for the probable cause hearing, call the officer, ask iff he knows what it means and then read the definition of driving, and ask him what gives him reason to believe you were transporting persons or property for profit? - And the judge kicks the case out THE SHERIFFS OFFICE IS OUT FOR REVENUE, HAVE IGNORED ALL REQUEST FOR AN EXPLANATION OF WHAT A DRIVER IS AND WHAT THEIR STAND IS ON LAWFUL TRAVELERS. They know and most of all the boss Chris Blair knows that a license is only needed by those in commerce, desperate to craeet revenue for his BAR card bosses he continues to ignore the LAW !!! Chris Blair supports his deputies in violating rights of the people of Marion county, just do an e mail request of cblair@marionso, see the information that has been sent to him, see that he has been willfully ignoring the law. The continued violating of rights should be a serious concern for every one in Marion, or do we sit by while he creates revenue for the judicial and the bar card buddies. I will also point out that Chris Blair has been served the information regarding teh legal name they use to create joinder on folks who have no idea that the name was created by fraud for fraud to commit fraud. This is a desperate attempt to discredit the video & cop block everyone has seen, of this violent encounter Now here is the kicker ... what injured party was there to justify arresting the man in the 1st place ?, no victim no crime ...what justification was there for an arrest ? none. If Marion county people do not wake up to the mismanagement and treason this sheriff is involved in, it will continue to get worse. https://facebook/photo.php?v=785010771519533&set=vb.108135359207081&type=2&theater
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 02:59:29 +0000

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