wow...just had a few days to see regular cable tv. Thanks for - TopicsExpress


wow...just had a few days to see regular cable tv. Thanks for showing me just how low we all can go. WTF PEOPLE! How can you watch this shit? Why are you all PAYING for it? YOU pay a cable bill and just roll over and take it when they show crap...then show INFOMERCIALS. You know...those annoying 2 hours commercials that pay the cable company to show their products. Well if YOU pay for cable...and THEY pay to show a commercial...isnt that like double dipping the public? The normal commercials are out of control too. Back in the day, there were 3 commercials (sometimes 4) on a commercial break. They you got your show. I was counting 6+ now! I almost forgot what I was trying to watch! Now the Specialty Cable Sci Fi (yeah I know they changed their name to SyFy...better to suit the lack of mental power they are striving for but hey!), and History Channel... Oh what sweet wet hell have THEY turned into? WWF rasseling dont belong on SyFy. Naked painted Dancers dont belong on SyFy...unless Capt. Kirk is involved somewhere. The History Channel...oh so much wrong with this one. HUNTING Big Foot? really? Why not run another million Egyptian shows and hand that one off to SyFy? Might as well as rename it REAL LIFE (yet also scripted and cheaper than a REAL show) TV. Axe men? PAWN SHOP Kings? (or what ever they call it) No wonder people are so damn stupid! THIS is history? So why do I have a bur in my britches you ask? Well Im tired of having good well written shows die in the first season or less while the most asinine pile of fecal matter ever recorded (like Jersey Shore and Snooki) lasts 6 seasons or is still on??!! Im tired that our entertainment has been boiled down to the lowest common factor. How can we reclaim it? How can we bring back well written shows? How can we bring back Firefly? Dead Like Me? Star Treks? There IS hope...this year I have found a few that have promise. They are so well written I fear most of the mundane masses will be lost and go off to watch something shiny and they will be canceled by 2nd or 3rd season.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:51:23 +0000

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