wow,just heard the leaders are going ahead with yet another - TopicsExpress


wow,just heard the leaders are going ahead with yet another vote,why bother even asking the people to for their opinion as to what they would like to see changed in our ELECTION CODE,they say their going to listen to the people,but it clearly shows their DISRESPECTING THE VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY WHEN THE PEOPLE ALREADY VOTED NO ON SEPT 12/2013,why is it,they say this and that,but when the time comes to answer questions from the community,they wont tell the people anything,were all kept in the dark as usual.their doing the same thing they did with the TLE vote and the wuskwatum vote,they went ahead and called for referendum after people voted no until they got a yes vote,now that is not right,that is putting a gun to our heads by our own leaders,when you think about it,whats in the ELECTION CODE thats going to benifit the people,remember when they had the last band meeting,they said they would take out the referendum and the severance package,well thats okay,do it.but then as i was reading the news letters they were handing out,as to what was going to be added,i was not to happy,because their trying to use the electorial officer to call referendums,by giving her the power to do so.their still trying to push to add the referendum into the election code,regardless of the people saying NO!,WHAT PART OF NO DONT THEY UNDERSTAND,im telling you something STICKS around here,why cant our leaders just come out and tell the truth as to why they want to include the referendum into our ELECTION CODE,INSTEAD THEIR WASTING MONEY THEY SAY WE DONT HAVE,HOW ARE THEY PAYING FOR ALL THESE ELECTIONS.why cant they just tell the people they want that 41 million dollar bond we have in our community,they need it for the equity for wuskwatum,why cant they accept 27.5% that we do have,we need to know whats going on.because if people go and vote yes for this referendum to be included into our ELECTION CODE were screwed once again.i want to hear it from all our leaders as to what their plan is for our future and the future generation they talked about,WHO IS REALLY BENIFITING HERE,im pretty upset that our band lawyer is not looking out for the best interest of our people,who is she working for? well i hope people do go out and vote,but remember we need to keep that bond in our community,otherwise we will lose alot of programs and is hydro going to pay or give our community funds to keep them going,i dont think so.and i hope hydro is not paying for all the elections or giving our band fund as a loan,were all going to be in a deeper hole all at the expense of when is this going to stop,when are the leaders going to respect and listen to the community,when..............and this here is my OPINION.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:06:50 +0000

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