wow this sounds just like me ! agree ? LMFAO If you were to - TopicsExpress


wow this sounds just like me ! agree ? LMFAO If you were to describe the typical Taurus temperament, you would probably use words such as "cautious", "practical" and "purposeful". When you are making important decisions in life, decisions about things that are vital to your security and the welfare of those you love, you spend a long time on them. You want those decisions to be rock solid. Once your mind is made up, you have amazing persistence and follow through, plus tons of energy — you rarely give up on a task once you have decided on it. And you’ll stick to your guns, even if you’re being provoked, tempted or ridiculed. This will be a blessing at some times and a curse at others. Sometimes this ability to hang in there can turn into pride and obstinacy. At other times you refuse to accept another opinion or suggestion, even though the advice is reasonable and the person offering it has nothing but good intentions. If you look inside yourself, you’ll see that sometimes the reason you hold on to your position or opinion so fiercely is that you fear change. Because you take such pride in your ability to see things through to the end, people who try to meddle with what you have set out to do, or change the rules of the game, are likely to hear from you, loud and clear. You really, really want to finish what you start. Also, people will not have much success if they try to push something onto you and leave you no room to control your destiny. Then the bull in you really starts to make itself heard and felt. On the other side of the coin, you also like to take it easy. This goes back to liking to leave things as they are. You may need to keep an eye on this — complacency and apathy are down the end of that path. Change is the only constant in life and you may need to remind yourself of this every now and then; trying to resist all change leads only to stress and dissatisfaction with your life and relationships. You are a great mate. When you agree to help someone, you go to any lengths to keep your word. You’ll never let yourself or others down. You are extremely dependable. You’re also exceptionally sensitive and very patient. You’re prepared to wait as long as it takes for the right moment to act and you seize the opportunity when it wanders anywhere near you. Patience is one of your greatest virtues and it usually pays off. Having honorable intentions, plus your patience and perseverance, are what others see as your finest — and most recognizable — character traits. Your one-track mind about doing a job right— either at work or at home — has a good and a bad side. It means you’re very focused on what you’re doing, which is good but it also means you drive people crazy by showing them the ‘correct way’ to do things. Your family may not appreciate lessons in how to clean and stack the dishes or drive the car! Actually, simplicity is what appeals to you — you can’t stand pompousness and look-at-me behavior. You know that beauty is not about what you wear or what hairstyle you have. Taurus is a touchy-feely sign, which means you rely on your feelings rather than your mind when you try to understand your experiences. You trust your own intuition about others — and you are usually right. However, you have terrific reasoning skills as well, so don’t dismiss your sensible nature; balancing these two sides of yourself will increase your success in life.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 03:27:51 +0000

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