written update Heena Jodha Akbar 1st November 2013 Written - TopicsExpress


written update Heena Jodha Akbar 1st November 2013 Written EpisodeScene 1its morning, jalal is rubbing jodha’shand, she get consciousness and jerks her hand, she gets up and askhow i came here, jalal who else cando that if not me, she remembers how he picked her up last night, jalal leaves ordering moti to give her meds, jodha ask moti what happened yesterday and sees that there is no jewelry on her, moti says now i will tell you what happened yesterday, maham comes and says you became jalal’s yesterday, i am so happy, accept my gift, now jalal will have no interest in you. Jodha is shocked.Outside adka ask that weather is good, when we will leave? Jodha comes outside, jalal says you should not come out your health isnot good, jodha says come on side,jalal obliges. Jodha says what happened to me i can’t come out ofshock, tell me what you did? Jalal says think it as it was time’s need, i had to do it, jodha is shocked and in tears., jodha says no reason can allow king to break his promise, what could’ve happened i would’ve died only, jalal says i know what a king should do and what a husband should do, i just fulfilled my responsibility, jodha says fulfilling promise is also your responsibility, jodha says tell me you didnt do that which i didnt allowed, jalal says i am a king i dont need permission for anything,if need arises i will do it again, he leaves, jodha sits shattered in tears.Scene 2voiceover says that mughal’s caravan is going forward, and storm is running in mind of jodha, she want to remember what happened yesterday night but whathappened yesterday is bygone.Jodha looks at jalal from her box.One messenger was sent from agra to jalal but he lost his way anddidnt meet jalal.Scene 3jalal’s caravan reaches agra but priests stop him coming inside, jalal says when king come nobody stop his way like this, there must be some big reason behind it, priest says yes its big and valid also, we assumed that you will respect your religion, but you disrespected it by going to mandir with jodha, praying in their style, and bowing down your head in front of sculpture, one says i agree you are a king but that doesnt mean you can do anything, other says if king doesnt respect his thenwhats the need of him, you have no right to sit on throne now,maham is tensed, hamida says history is witness that all mughal kings ruled within the limits of our religion, priest says but we cant ignore this mistake, god and people are angry with himand if he want to go to throne then he have to go through our dead-bodies, he has lost the right to sit on throne, maham says who can stop him? Priest says women have no right to talk, maham says i have, as i follow the same religion, you are educated, know religion very well so your work is to make jalal see the right path but not to cut his path, you cant betray jalal, ifthere is difference of thoughts thensolve it, you all agree that jalal is shadow of god, i know him he loves god very much but he is a human, so he can do mistake and your work is to correct his mistakes not to turn faces away, you are distancing yourself by doing this, we all are because of jalal, because of jalal islam spread in india, i had to come in front because i have to answer god, priest says common man are with us so jalal have to answer today.Ruks is worried whether messenger reached jalal, hoshiyar informs that jalal came here and there is anarchy outside.Outside, jalal says i will your questions, i still believe in one god,offer namaz, give zakat then where i didnt follow islam tell me? Priest says applying style of different religion is sin in our religion, goingto mandir and bowing head down is sin, jalal says one question, remember you prayed on my first birthday priest says yes i prayed for you in mandir, jalal says so my head bowed down from then, religion is followed by heart not by place, only one god lives in my heart, jalal ask shall we go inside, priest says your heart is clear but reason behind all this is jodha , if she wouldnt go to mandir you didnt went with her also, now the solution is that jodha have to accept islam as her religion, maham says its a sensitive matter, it is not the right time or place to decide the solution, give us one day to discuss, jalal agrees and says i will announce in special court tomorrow .jodha is stunned.Scene 4adham is furious and ask maham why she took side of jalal when all priest were against him, he could’ve lost the throne, maham says i love you very much but i cantdeny loving jalal, i want to see you as king but not by throwing jalal from it, he has given us both too much, you are minister of state and i chief minister only because of him, we would only be servants if jalal wasnt there and whats the guarantee that if priests take the throne from jalal, they will give it toyou? You cant do anything like a king, if you do things like a king only then you will deserve the throne, i will want to see you as king only when you will deserve it, the truth is that you are just angry ball who can brust any minute, nothing more than that, adham raises his hand on her but stops, maham says if jalal were in your place he couldnt have forgot that i am his bari ami but you raised hand on me, just leave my sight, adham goes away.Precap- maham says to jodha that you could have stopped jalal , jodha says he has gone to mandir with me on his own wish, maham says no he had gone only because of you and the questions that are raising against jalal, you are responsible for that and if you want to set things right then you have to accept islam.Pictures coming soon.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 15:44:42 +0000

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