wwcom News: World-Wide Weiner Watch Web --- The Naked Truth 69.69 - TopicsExpress


wwcom News: World-Wide Weiner Watch Web --- The Naked Truth 69.69 “The administration has now lost all credibility.” --- The New York Times Editorial Board!! (6/7/2013) Some of you may be familiar with lots of the ROFLMAO hilarious articles in “The New York Times”, America’s leading comedy publication, over the eons. Of course, they cause so much uncontrollable, uproarious laughter because there are huge numbers of Mount Everest’s full of REAL EVIDENCE to the contrary. However, as shown above, occasionally, they get so exhausted from their own laughter that they lurch into the truth. Of course, sometimes they lapse right back out of it, especially if Obama’s goons or lefty PC armies show up, and start bashing their heads in. Then they may doctor their “news” and editorials back to a lot closer version of standard lemming-ese. “Times Watchers”, as I call them, have various examples, and some involve gigantic PC and other changes! These are not just routine reporting errors that occur throughout the media. Lo and behold, “The Times” has published some reports about Anthony Weiner, alias “Carlos Danger”, and his under-under-whelming “achievements”. They even may do some of that lurching into the truth stuff. However, perhaps Obama isn’t that eager to “PC” them this time, because “Carlos” has become a very big “Danger” to him. Anyway, on Thursday, 7/25/13, “The Times” had a large article re “The Dangerous Weiner”. Tucked in right at the end were these choice tidbits: ----------------------------------- Mr. Weiner gave in, and went on to fight for Obamacare — “a term, by the way, that I coined,” he said. He did extract a concession for withdrawing his amendment: a prime speaking slot. He presided over some of the debate, and was given the tally sheet for the historic vote as a souvenir, which he brandished on the pages of The Daily News after the vote. The speaker also gave Mr. Weiner a more useful souvenir: a glowing statement commending his efforts. “Congressman Weiner has been a tireless and effective advocate for progress on health care,” she said, “and his work has been a vital part of achieving health care reform.” ------------------------------------ Here is the entire article: nytimes/2013/06/13/nyregion/weiners-record-in-house-intensity-publicity-and-limited-results.html?pagewanted=1 Many of the usual Pelosi-Weiner political BS, “trophies” and “souvenirs”, scams, etc., were mentioned in the article. As far as I know, no one has challenged any of it, except for the “Obamacare” origin. It turns out that The Weinie did not coin the term “Obamacare” at all. Among others, Republicans used it long, long before Weiner did --- apparently, fairly early in Obama’s first Presidential campaign --- although the Republicans may not have used the same glowing propaganda verbiage with it, as the Democrats did. LOL! Caught in yet another lie, Weiner reportedly, now says that he was the first Democrat to use it in a “positive” way. Of course, he probably soon will be telling us that he defined “positive” --- at least in the “proper” way! :) Meanwhile, everyone is still trying to figure out what the meaning of “IS” is, what “CORPSEMEN” are, and what loads of other Dem English lingo “brilliancies” are all about. ROFLMAO! BTW, just for more laughs, what kind of hot water do you think Anthony Weiner will insert himself into next? This has been another Weiner-Gate pubic service (uh oh, there goes my keyboard again, I mean public service --- well, maybe I do) report from: Al, The Plumber of the Depths of Lunacy Twitter: @Al_the_Plumber
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 05:28:51 +0000

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