y 3 - Ishavasya Upanishad with Sri Sri 19 January 2015, 10:30 AM - TopicsExpress


y 3 - Ishavasya Upanishad with Sri Sri 19 January 2015, 10:30 AM (IST) Welcome to the live webcast of commentaries on Ishavasya Upanishad by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore. OM pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇāta pūrṇamudacyate | pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate || OM śāṃtiḥ śāṃtiḥ śāṃtiḥ || andhaṃ tamaḥ praviśanti ye.asambhūtimupāsate | tato bhūya iva te tamo ya u sambhūtyā.N ratāḥ || 12|| Kashi: Those who worship the unmanifest, they enter into blinding darkness. Those who worship the manifest, they enter into blinding darkness. anyadevāhuḥ sambhavādanyadāhurasambhavāta | iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṃ ye nastadvicacakṣire || 13|| Kashi: The wise have said the worship of manifest and unmanifest yield different results. sambhūtiṃ ca vināśaṃ ca yastadvedobhaya.N saha | vināśena mṛtyuṃ tīrtvā sambhūtyā.amṛtamaśnute || 14|| Sri Sri: You take medicine to get rid of sickness. For example, you exercise when you go to a gymnasium. There are different exercises for different parts of the body. One for the calves, chest. Similarly there are specific tunes to create specific moods. People in the entertainment field they know very well. In a love scene, they will not put thrill music. When you come to the ragas, that is tunes. There is a whole Upaveda which is just for the tunes: Sa Re Ga Ma Oa Dha Ni Sa. The seven tunes are corresponding to seven animals. Elephants pitch is very high. It says Ni. Pa comes from birds, nightingale. Ma comes from cows and goats, sheeps. Each animal has only one particular tune that they can sing. Humans have the entire range. Get over the death. If you are sick, take medication or exercises and get over it. That is got going to give you liberation. That is essential. When you are normal, you can look for something high. The manifest and its relevance. the unmanifest has its own relevance. One cell multiplies itself and becomes an embryo. That embryo when it becomes bigger, it knows where the eyes, hair. Thought it is one human body, each part is different. This is the level of Deva. Though the Atman is one, the Devas are many. In Christianity you say, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are three levels on which you can get disturbed: causal, physical, meta-physical. To bring peace to these three levels, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. In Christianity, Father is the infinite Omnipresent God. The Son is the human form. The holy spirit is the energy. The Holy Spirit is not one but it has diverse functions and qualities. A connection between microcosm and macrocosm is established. Do Devas live in another planet? No. There is no physical body for the Devas. They are only light bodies. Where do they establish themselves? In the mantras. It is one electricity, somewhere it has become sound, air, light. There is one infinite Being, the Self, which is what you are. In you there is diversity. Nose can only do the function of the nose. You must recognize the differences. Whether someone pulls your cheek or pulls your ear, you feel it. Yet they have different functions. That is what the Universe is all about. Though, one consciousness creates itself into this Diverse Universe. It is only one thing, yet it is many. Someone who catches hold of the many is going into darkness. Someone who catches hold of the one is going into deeper darkness. To gain specific results, you need to use specific mantras. That is the science of the vedas. hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitaṃ mukhama | tattvaṃ pūṣannapāvṛṇu satyadharmāya dṛṣṭaye || 15|| Kashi: Uncover the veil, so that I may know the truth. Sri Sri: The quest for truth itself is a sign of blossoming. In the quest for truth, the paradigm plays an important role. Those who believe in many, cannot comprehend the one and those believe in one, cannot comprehend the many. Why should God be one? Why should God be many? What makes us comfortable is if God is only one. It is correct. If God is many, then how could God be omnipotent? Here is another paradigm. God can come in any costume. He can come in the track pants in the gym, when he goes to office in three-piece suit. Why do you limit the expression of God to only one? Rishis said that the entire Universe is his own form. In the morning Rudrabhishekham, they chant. All the forms in the Universe are yours. The native people all over the World, whether British Columbia or the Mori tribe of New Zealand, you will find the native people they honor the mountains. For them the rivers, the trees are sacred. The idols came much later. If you open a transistor, there are circuit diagrams to catch the waves. There was a Buddhist monk here from Mainland China. This person in meditation has experience of the Shat kona. He wanted to know more about that. The flag of Israel has the Shat Kona. The Jews and Vedas have one common symbol: the Shat Kona. It is not someones imagination but an experience. She found it here. She said this is what I came here for. All temples are placed on mantras and yantras. There is a proverb in Sanskrit. It is by the effort of worshiper that a stone turns into divinity. The intention in you to invoke the prana in that. The stone also responds to you. All poojas are done by yantras. Yantras are the main thing. Yantras are diagrams. There are specific mantras. When you think of an elephant, you feel like an elephant. There is an exchange happening between the viewer and the viewed. In theory of relativity, you are looking at a object and because you are looking the object has already changing. You have an impact of Deva and Deva have an impact on you. Fire, water, air, Sun are Devas. Make good use of them all. Honor them. The ancient people would honor them all. Have any of you been of some Safari? When you go into a forest, it is so clean. Nature knows how to maintain itself. This is yagya. Yagya means honoring the elements of nature. Yagyas have three aspects: Honoring the Divinity in its diverse manifestations. Honoring human beings, trees, rivers. Sangatikarana. If you see a good movie, you do not keep it to you. In isolation you cannot be happy. Suppose you have a family of 6 or 7, if one of them is unhappy, can you be happy? You effort is to make everyone happy. How can someone be happy? Through knowledge. knowledge is a vaccination which keeps you away from the flu of misery. Suppose they are not ready for knowledge, pray to the Devas: let them be happy. This intention. The left brain people would say intention, right brain people would say prayer. But both are the same. A wise one would say both are the same. In fact the prayer is a little more stronger as emotions are a little more stronger. So, you do some karma, some action to make them happy. Similarly, if there is an emergency in your country, city, or state, can you be at peace? You cannot say, I want to have clean air only in my home. If you do not have clean air in the city, forget about it. You have to work for it. If you spread happiness, happiness gets sustained. If you spread knowledge, knowledge gets sustained. Thats why the mind is always running for something bigger because it is in search for happiness. It is looking for all these glittering things. Truth is hidden under these glittering sheets. Please unveil this and let me have a glimpse it. hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitaṃ mukhama | tattvaṃ pūṣannapāvṛṇu satyadharmāya dṛṣṭaye || 15|| For me to recognize you are dharma, O Mighty God! You only can unveil this. Remove this glittering sheet. Whatever the mind can achieve on its own is always smaller than the mind. If you say, I have got it. It is because it comes within your grip. You cannot get something which is bigger than your effort. Are you getting this? Whatever you achieve with your effort is always smaller than you. And it is not worth it. What is worth? That comes to you as a gift, as a blessing. The outer shell, the glittering, the mind is running after that. O my dear Divine! Please remove that so that I may see the truth. pūṣannekarṣe yama sūrya prājāpatya vyūha raśmīna samūha tejaḥ | yatte rūpaṃ kalyāṇatamaṃ tatte paśyāmi yo.asāvasau puruṣaḥ so.ahamasmi || 16|| Sri Sri: So Hum means I am that. The definite qualities of the consciousness and the Purusha, the imperishable consciousness. There are 8 manifestations of the nature. Beyond nature is the consciousness. Before the Purusha is the different aspects of Devas: surya, pragapati. Let me see all this and realize I am that. That which connects the different parts of the body. I am that. I am that Purusha. vāyuranilamamṛtamathedaṃ bhasmāṃta.N śarīrama | OM krato smara kṛta.N smara krato smara kṛta.N smara || 17|| Kashi: O Self! Let me shed the mortal awareness. Sri Sri: Lets do a meditation on this. Our body is air, vayu, fire, water, earth. All these elements. And one day this body is going to become ashes. In the mind, remember all that you have done. Taking your mind through all the actions, you becomes free from the impressions of the action. This is actually a meditation technique here. We seldom remember that we are going to die one day. We do not realize that we are going to die one day. It does not matter where you stay. You are going to die one day. This body of yours is going to become ashes. How do you want to exit from the body? Knowing you are human or clinging on to things? Aversion, anger, frustration? You want to live with that? Remembering, recollecting, and let go. When you remember that the body is going to become ashes, suddenly a new life force gushes in you ready to know, ready to grasp. Every moment this realization, everything is perishing. Even cells in your body are dying. The awareness of death brings you more life. In wisdom, awareness of death brings you more life. People who commit suicide, they want pleasure. There is no patience or endurance of misery. Unfortunately, they come back and they feel much more misery. That is why spiritual education should be inducted into each and every child. You cannot give children Bramh gyaan immediately. A logical conclusion to the apparent existence which causes a lot of chaos. A quest for truth, yearning for higher knowledge also makes better citizens. No mother wants their children to be miserable and become terrorists. But they simply do not know how to prevent. That is why spiritual knowledge is so impo
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:51:49 +0000

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